Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 25 March 2012





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Home-grown solutions, the remedy for all ills

"Sri Lanka, as an independent country would not give into any arbitrary interference in its affairs. The Government’s policy in respect of all matters will continue to be guided by vital interests and the well-being of the people", he said.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa operates a bulldozer launching the renovation work of Wewita tank in Bandaragama last week.

In the aftermath of the United Nations Human Rights Council passing resolutions against Sri Lanka, President Mahinda Rajapaksa who took a bold decision a few years back not to succumb to international pressure where they attempted to thwart the LTTE's defeat. The most ruthless terrorist breathed his last on the banks of Nanthikadal Lagoon. President Mahinda Rajapaksa has reiterated his strong commitment not to bow down to any international force to interfere in the country's internal affairs.

"Sri Lanka, as an independent country would not give into any arbitrary interference in its affairs. The Government’s policy in respect of all matters will continue to be guided by vital interests and the well-being of the people", he said.


Commenting about the resolution on Sri Lanka, he said that Sri Lanka’s narrow defeat in Geneva would please the LTTE proxies and the diaspora but not the people of Sri Lanka who appreciated the stand taken by the 15 countries that voted with Sri Lanka and the eight countries which by abstaining declined to support it, despite the intensity of pressure, in a variety of forms, exerted on them all.

President Rajapaksa made these remarks at a ceremony to launch the 'Eka Gamakata Eka Wedak' - development projects for all villages program held at Wevita Maithri Vidyalaya, Bandaragama. The program will simultaneously be launched in over 14,000 Grama Seva divisions.

Addressing a large gathering he said the Government had fulfilled the promise given to the people when he came to power in 2005, to establish freedom and an honourable peace.

Without succumbing to pressure

"The government had done that and more in a very short span without succumbing to pressure or influences. As a result the country today is on the path to rapid economic development while ensuring freedom and dignity of all people without discrimination. This government will not allow terrorism or any force supporting terrorism to raise their heads again in the country to destabilise the hard-earned peace", he said.

He stressed that whatever obstacles were faced, the Government was determined to carry forward and consolidate on the hard-earned gains of establishing peace, stability and propagating development which were achieved after 30 years of instability and violence." Development projects will be carried out in all villages for the benefit of people. Rs. one million will be allocated for each project.

However, he pointed out that some elements were blind to this impressive progress in all sectors as their eyes were clouded with jealousy, hatred and petty interest. "They never went to the North and are claiming that the Government has not done anything in the area, who are they trying to send this message and for whose benefit are they working at such a crucial time?, the President questioned.

The President also pointed out that the Government had dedicated itself to ensure democracy, promotion and protection of human rights, guaranteeing equality, dignity, justice and respect for all.

"In ensuring promotion and protection of human rights the country always has looked to the values it has nurtured in its proud year history and religious teachings of all faiths, he added.

"However, when some country's are trying to stand on their own feet, there are some elements with vested interests who try to bring them down, using various issues", he added.

President Rajapaksa pointed out that despite the malicious agendas of these elements, the ordinary masses were speaking with one voice on behalf of the country.

Domestic remedies

He said that Sri Lanka would continue to seek domestic solutions for its issues. "Whatever the challenges we would not allow the ugly head of terrorism to re-surface. We would consolidate and achieve further progress in our quest towards achieving development, peace and prosperity, he added.

He urged the people to rally round the government to build the country without falling victim to malicious propaganda. On the development initiative launched he said that this was a historic one which would further consolidate the ongoing development at village level. He also said that many such projects which will benefit the people are in the pipeline.

Addressing the Puttalam district special Development Committee meeting held in Madampe, Chilaw, President Rajapaksa said Sri Lankans were used to protecting and safeguarding human rights for more than years and following the eradication of 30 years of terrorism, the country has been placed on a rapid development track.

"Sri Lankans have been protecting human rights since the introduction of Buddhism to the country. Protecting human rights and fulfilling the people’s aspirations in a people-friendly manner are not new aspects to us”, he said adding that no foreign intervention will be allowed and no one can meddle in the internal affairs of the country.

President Rajapaksa inviting all to join hands to develop the country and fulfil their obligations, said the Government has taken every possible step to strengthen the bonds among the people while safeguarding human rights.

He advised politicians to perform their responsibilities with diligence without political considerations or concerning politically motivated targets. "Every politician and government official is duty bound to stand for the country while extending his utmost contribution to the development and betterment of the country. Especially, politicians should stand for the country and its people. Having identified their due responsibilities politicians must deliver to the maximum for the betterment State of the motherland", the President said.

Addressing officials, President Rajapaksa said public servants should lend a keen ear to issues forwarded by the people. "Such issues should be addressed with great dedication and in a friendly manner. A mechanism will be put in place to solve the human-elephant conflict which is a burning issue for the people in the Puttalam district", he said.

Locally produce medicines

Meanwhile, President Rajapaksa has instructed to implement Cabinet decisions on the purchase of medicines, expeditiously and also directed the relevant sections to prepare a mechanism to purchase medicine required by the public while exploring possibilities to locally produce some of the commonly-used medicines.

The President gave these instructions at a meeting at Temple Trees on Thursday with State Pharmaceuticals Corporation and Finance and Health Ministry officials. He has said that local production of medicine should be further developed and reminded that proposals in this regard were made in the Budget. Compared to other countries the use of paracetamol is very high in Sri Lanka.

Officials have pointed out that this is not a favourable situation. The President has requested officials to enlighten the people on the consequences of excessive use of pain killers and has called for a report on this, after a proper investigation.

The Report of the committee to look into matters relating to the proposed private medical school (SAITM) in Malabe was handed voter to the President by the Minister of Health Maithripala Sirisena at Temple Trees on March 22.

An invitation to President Rajapaksa sent from the Emir of Qatar to participate in the 12th Doha Conference was handed over by the Ambassador of Qatar Saed Abdullah Al Mansoori at Temple Trees.

The President accepted the invitation and thanked the Emir of Qatar for supporting Sri Lanka at the UNHRC sessions and said it would strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. Ambassador Al Mansoori said it was their stand to offer support when friends needed support.


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