Ahmadiyya Founder's Day:
Islam, a religion of peace
by A. Abdul Aziz
Islam, the Holy Prophet and the Holy Qur'an
Islam means 'Peace and submission to the will of Allah'. It was the
message brought by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah
upon him). Muhammad received a revelation from Allah in which he was
told that Allah alone was worthy of worship and nothing else was equal
to Him and that Islam was the final and complete religion for mankind.
Muhammad helped the poor liberated slaves and established equal rights
for women.
He told his followers to be patient during hardship and to pray to
Allah. His mission was to eradicate evil and inequity, implant goodness
and piety and draw mankind nearer to its Creator. Muhammad led a simple,
pious and peaceful life.
The Holy Qur'an is the holy book of Islam. It is the word of Allah
and was revealed to Prophet Muhammad over 23 years.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor
Ahmad |
Hazrat Hazrat Mirza
Masroor Ahmad t Mirza Ghulam Ahmad |
It has 30 parts and is divided into 114 chapters. It contains a vast
array of teaching and is a comprehensive code of conduct for mankind.
It also contains numerous prophecies, many of which have been
fulfilled and many that remained to be fulfilled and many that remained
to be fulfilled.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community teaches the true Islam in all its
purity. Islam is a religion of peace.
It is a religion that meets the demands and challenges of the
changing world.
The followers of all great religions awaited the advent of a promised
One in the latter days as predicted in their Holy Scriptures. Under the
divine guidance, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, (1835 - 1908) declared that
in fact only one person representing all the qualities of the one
promised in different religions was to appear and humanity would
ultimately be brought into the fold of one universal religion. Hazrat
Ahmad (a.s.), the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, claimed to
be that promised one awaited throughout the world in various faiths.
The birthplace of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is Qadian, in Punjab,
India. Under the Divine Command, the first initiation ceremony was taken
place on March 23, 1889 and was thus laid the foundation of the
Islam believes in absolute morality and enjoins justice and fairness
to friends and foe alike, in every sphere of human interest. It is the
firm belief of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community that Islam is the cure for
all maladies and ailments of suffering in humanity today.
Islam teaches us that unless man learns to live at peace with himself
and his fellow human beings, he cannot live at peace with God. In Islam
you shall find peace and tranquillity of the heart which is the fruit of
submitting to the will of God.
Islam believes in all the founders of all religions appointed by God.
Islam regards them all as heavenly teachers sent to reform humanity and
establish communion with God - the Creator, Islam testifies that the
original teachings of various faiths come from the same One God.
Islam also emphasises that men, women and people of all races are
equal before Allah and only righteous deeds elevate one person above
another. It permits no exploitation, be it social, political, economical
or religious.
Islam and mankind
Islam reinforces the concept of humanity and respect for individual
liberty. It also reminds man of his fundamental human right of being
free to choose his own religion.
The Qur'an states that there is no compulsion in religion.
Serving humanity
Islam states that service to humanity is a part of faith. In this
spirit, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has established schools - opened to
all - in many countries. Many of the schools have become some of the
most sought after institutions in their respective countries.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is also noted for its active
engagement in social welfare and in meeting the medical and educational
needs, not only of its own members but also of the communities in which
they reside.
The community has also opened many medical clinics and hospitals that
offer free medical assistance. In Africa these efforts have served the
local people for decades.
Spiritual leadership
One of the greatest bounties of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is
that it has been blessed with the institution of Khilafat in Islam.
Khilafat, (God's vicegerent) - or successor to a prophet) - the
spiritual system of leadership - was reinstated by the Promised Messiah
(a.s.) and after his demise it has served to unite the community in one
The first successor of Hazrat Ahmad (a.s.) was Hazrat Moulavi
Nooruddin (r.o.), a renowned scholar of the Holy Qur'an and an imminent
In 1914, he was succeeded by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mohmood Ahmad
(r.a.), a renowned scholar of Islamic studies who also enjoyed a vast
knowledge of other religions. He led the community for 51 years and
firmly laid the administrative structure of Ahmadiyyat as an
international community.
The third successor was Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (r.a.), a
distinguished educationalist, who placed a great emphasis on service to
In 1982, hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (r.a.) was elected as the fourth
successor. His leadership projected the wonderful teachings of Islam
into the 21st century on a truly global scale through numerous community
projects and the creation of a unique satellite television channel (MTA
- Muslim Television Ahmadiyya).
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is now passing through another golden era
of a fifth Khalifa Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who holds the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community together as one.
He ensures that every step is taken in the right direction,
fulfilling the mission of the Promised Messiah (a.s.). The Khalifa is
particularly dedicated to ensure that Islam is viewed and understood as
a religion of peace throughout the world.
He has repeatedly emphasised the fact that Islam rejects violence in
any form and for only reason as it is completely at odds with Islam - a
word which itself means "peace".