1. In which country is the Simpson desert found?
2. What is the name of the floating island in Jonathan Swift's
Gulliver's Travels?
3. What type of animal is a ‘skink'?

Simpson desert |
4. Which Polish philologist created the international language of
5. Which planet of our solar system was the first to be discovered by
6. Someone who suffers from oneirophobia is scared of what?
7. Who was the Roman God of fruit?
8. What is the shallowest ocean in the world?
9. The acronym NASA stands for what?
10. The Gobi Desert is primarily situated in which country?
11. How many squares are there on a standard chessboard?
12 . Which of Shakespeare’s plays is the shortest in length?
1. H2O is liquid,what is H2S ?
2. Which sulfur has needle shaped crystals?
3. Which element can easily form chains?
4.Oxygen can accept electron from all elements except what?
5. Which catalyst is used in the manufacture of ammonia from nitrogen
and hydrogen?
6. Which compound forms when hydrogen peroxide decomposes?
7. Glass is made out of what?
8. Which is considered to be an anomalous compound?
9.Which fuel produces maxi mum heat per gram burnt?
10. Which element in radioactive form is used for determining the age of
artefacts, relics and bones of the past?
11.Which product of living organisms was the first to be made under the
laboratory conditions?
12. Which drug is present in tobacco?
13. Which element is present in the least amount in a living body?
14. Which substance is produced when nitrogen reacts with hydrogen?
15.Which metal floats on water?

Making glass. |
1. Name the two elements water is made up of
2. Sound travels faster through water than air. True/false?
3. What is another name for tidal wave?
4. By which name is the solid state of water known?
5. Pure water is tasteless. True/false?
6. Is the Indian Ocean the biggest ocean on the Earth?
7. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (212 Fahrenheit).True/false?
8. When water is cooled does it contract or expand?
9. At what temperature does water freeze?
10 Ice sinks in water .True/false?
11. What is the PH level of pure water?
12. Is water easy to compress?
1. Australia
2. Laputa
3. A lizard
4. Lazarus Ludwig Zamenhof
5. Uranus
6. Dreams
7. Pomona (Her name derives from the Latin word 'pomum' meaning fruit)
8. The Arctic
9. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
10. Mongolia
11. 64
12. The Comedy of Errors

Water at boiling point. |
1. Gas
2. Prismatic
5. Iron
7. Sand
9. Hydrogen
10. Carbon
11. Urea
13. Manganese
14. Ammonia
15.Sodium (potassium)
1. Water is made up of Hydrogen and Oxygen.
3. A tidal wave is also called a tsunami by some although it is strictly
not so.
4.The solid state of water is called ice.
6. False. The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean.
7. True.
8. It expands.
9. 0 degrees Celsius ( 32 degrees Fahrenheit)
10. False. Ice floats in water.
11. The PH level of pure water is 7.
12. False. |