If I were a magician...

Magic wands, a silvery cloak, a pointed magic hat and a book of
spells are the hallmark of a reputed magician. I too would love to be a
magician some day and there are many reasons for this. It would
certainly take me back to the magical and enchanted world of Harry
One of the main reasons for wanting to become a reputed magician is
that I would become really popular and gain the attention of the whole
Small children would love me as I would entertain them and make them
curious, amazed and happy. I would know many secret tricks which would
simply amaze the audience.
My sole intention of becoming a magician is not only to earn a large
amount of money for my own use, but also to help others.
I would donate half of my earnings to charity. I would also teach
others my secret tricks and help them succeed in the field.
There will be many other talented magicians and so, I would have to
learn many complex tricks as well to remain a famous magician.
However, all these would become true only if I became a magician. I
hope my dream becomes true.
Shahani Razzak,
Grade 9L,
Ilma International Girls’ School.
Pottery, a living craft
Pots are made of clay. Pottery is a living craft that relates very
much to the life of Sri Lankans, especially in the villages. Small
lamps, graceful water jugs, decorative ornaments and various cooking
vessels of clay are very popular among the people.
Even though there are many new methods of making objects out of clay,
most potters still employ traditional methods to carry out their work.

Pottery is made on a rotating disk that the potter keeps turning with
his hand. It’s called a potter’s wheel. It is a fast turning wheel.
A lump of clay is placed on this wheel and then the potter forms a
pot or some other object by turning the lump of clay on the wheel, while
creating the shape. Decorations are done by incising patterns on the
clay or stamping with dyes while the clay is still wet.
Most pots are fired in a primitive kiln built of stone and is covered
with a wattle and daub roof.
Pottery is now mostly used as decoration and not as utility items.
Saucepans have replaced clay pots in most homes in the city.
Pottery is a traditional craft which needs to be protected because
most villagers still eek out an existence from it.
Ridmavi Anthony,
Grade 7B,
St. Lawrence’s Convent, Wellawatte.
Environment – destroy it not

Blue skies
White clouds
Green trees and
Colourful flowers
Our environment’s gifts
Environment is beautiful
It is our life!
Environment is wonderful
Destroy it not!
Birds are flying
Flowers are blooming
Sun is shining
In our environment
Don’t pollute the air
Don’t pollute the water
Don’t destroy the land
Let’s protect them all
Trees are our life and soul
Destroy them not!
Fathima Uzma Jiffry
Grade 8 B,
Muslim Ladies’ College, Colombo 4.
How we can make the world a better place
Today most people are forced to lead a life loaded with duties and
responsibilities. While leading a machine-like lifestyle it has also
become our duty to promote peace and harmony among the people to make
the world a better place for us to live in.
A better world is built on the pillars of good societies. Good
families are the corner stones which bring society together. Family
bonds should be strengthened as the river of love and affection flows
through the family.
As we start schooling, we interact with people by associating with
other students, teachers and various individuals. Among the people we
meet and associate, teachers play a key role because they show us the
correct path.
Friends are the most influential group of people in our lives. If the
friends we keep company with are good, we will learn many valuable
things from them.
However, if we associate bad friends, it would be our downfall. Our
entire life could be ruined because of such friends.
A healthy relationship must be maintained among the community
irrespective of caste, creed, religion or the financial and social
status of people.
If good relationships are maintained, the world we live in would be a
better place, over-flowing with love, affection, peace and harmony.
Let's get together and make this world a better place!
M. Afrath Nawas,
Grade 11E,
Kg/Mw/Baduriya CC,
Impact of food on our health
Food plays a major role in one's physical development. The health of
a person depends on the food he eats. Therefore, it is vitally important
for everyone to choose the right kind of food with the correct
quantities of nutrients.

A person should always try to have a balanced diet, which means a
meal with all the essential nutrients present in their right quantities.
To maintain good health, a balanced diet is a key requirement.
It is important to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Artificial and processed food is harmful to one's health. Fast food
which is quite popular today leads to a lot of health problems.
A person should be very careful when selecting food which he thinks
is good for his health. Taste should not be the only criterion for such
a selection. Too much sugary, fatty and salty food is always harmful to
one's health.
The type of food as well as the amount of food one eats should be a
matter of great concern because the wrong type of food can lead to many
problems. One should not over-eat or under-eat. Eating in between meals
is also bad for the health.
We must remember that the food we eat will always impact our health.
Eventually the food we eat will be a deciding factor as to whether we
will live a long healthy life or face a premature death.
A.U.S. Kaweesha Athukorala,
Grade 10E,
Nalanda College,
Colombo 10.
My maternal grandma
My grandmother who is 80 years old is my oldest living relation. She
is my maternal grandmother (mother's mother). She does not live with us.
She lives in Colombo.Even though she is very old, her hearing is very
good. She is fair and has grey hair. She is a very quiet person who
likes to read books and newspapers.
She does not walk or bathe without assistance. There is always
someone to help her to do these things.
My grandma is very religious and worships the Buddha daily, offering
flowers and chanting gathas. On Poya Day she does not go to the temple
but she observes sil at home.
We visit her during holidays and she is very happy to see us. During
the New Year she makes sweetmeats for us and also teaches us how to make
them. She also shows us how to play the traditional game called Pancha
She always has a swing prepared in the garden for us to enjoy. She
teaches us Onchili Waram, Raban Pada and other traditional songs. She
relates many interesting stories of the past and also sings to us. She
has a beautiful voice. She teaches us folk songs and gathas. I learn a
lot from her about history, religion and culture.
My family members love and respect her a lot. I too love my grandma
very much.
A.A. Udani Chathurangi Perera,
Grade 9,
Sarasavi Uyana College,
An unusual place I visited
The most unusual place I have visited is Sembuwatta. It is a
beautiful place with a range of mountains and a lake. It is very
attractive when the Sun is setting.
Sembuwatta is situated in Matale, a rural area. The approach road is
small and not in very good condition. However, the area is nice because
there are tea plantations by the side of the road.
We visited the place and had lunch there. Unfortunately, we were
unable to bathe in the lake because it is deep and there was a crocodile
in it. But there are separate pools to bathe; one for adults and the
other for children. The pools get water from a natural spring, so the
water is pure and clear. The water flows out from one pool.
Apart from the beautiful lake and pools there is a swing and a
see-saw for children to play and enjoy.
There are beautiful huts too made out of logs with thatched coconut
leaf roofs. They are really nice to see. There is also a hut built on
high and we need to climb up with the aid of a ladder. Because of all
these unusual things we were very attracted by the place.
At evening the scenery was so beautiful because when the sun is
setting, the mountain is reflected in the lake.
I was very sad to leave the place because it was a very beautiful,
calm and serene place.
Omali Weerasinha
Grade 10 A,
Royal English School,
Matale. |