Saradiel - the Robin Hood of Sri Lanka
by W. T. A. Leslie Fernando
Saradiel known as the 'Robinhood of Sri Lanka' was the most daring
brigand that ever lived in our country. The sentence of death was
executed on him as he defied law and order and scuttled the British
might for several years on May 7, 1864.
Saradiel in custody |
Deekirikawage Saradiel was born on March 25, 1832. His father had to
frequent the Kegalle district for his business. He was from
Haldanduwana, Dankotuwa. For some time he lived with Pitchohamy at
Utuwankanda. Saradiel was the eldest son born to them. He was sent to
Ilukgoda temple for his education. At the temple Saradiel proved to be
intelligent and he used to qurrel with other students.
Even as a child Saradiel is said to have stood for the weaklings who
were looked down upon and harassed by the children of the aristocracy.
His studies came to an abrupt end when he was arrested and severely
dealt by the police for assaulting a rich boy who was a close relative
of a police vidane.
In his young days itself Saradiel formed a gang and began to defy the
law. Saradiel once got hold of a rich merchant called Bawa and cut half
of his moustache and robbed him of his money and goods and distributed
them among the poor. Soon Saradiel's name came to be associated with
various thefts in the area.
However, he kept away from the long arm of the law. Subsequently,
Saradiel left the village and secured employment as a Barrack boy in
Colombo. At the barracks Saradiel came into contact with soldiers and
learned how to use guns and other implements.
Saradiel came back to Utuwankanda and began to associate with
notorious criminals in the area. He chose a life of highway robbery and
daring exploits of Saradiel came to be known among the people. He was
arrested for murdering and robbing a rich Natakoti Chettiar and was
discharged for want of evidence. However, as a consequence or robbing
Molligoda Walawwa, a warrant was issued to arrest him.
To evade arrest he went to Chilaw where his father was living. His
father refused to give him shelter. Then Saradiel decided to return to
Utuwankanda. While he was returning, the police detected him at
Pilawatte near Negombo. In the struggle that ensued Saradiel stabbed a
police informant before he was arrested. The man later died of the
wounds and Saradiel was taken into custody. But Saradiel escaped from
prison before the date of the trial.
Saradiel returned to Utuwankanda and formed a gang of robbers among
whom Hawadiya, Bawa, Sirimala, Kirihonda, Suwanda and Mammalay Marikkar
were the most noted. Their centre of activity was Utuwankanda, a safe
hideout. The gang waylaid carriages and coaches and robed the people.
Contractors taking goods from Kandy and outlying stations sought
Terrified passengers spoke of horrifying stories of Saradiel and his
gang. Exploits of Saradiel and his band came to be known all over the
country. Traffic in Kandy was often interrupted due to his plundering in
the environs.
Saradiel and his gang were such a terror in the district, that the
government had to send reinforcements to Mawanella and Hingula police
stations. The Government Agent of Kegalle instructed the villagers to
get the help of Rate Mahattaya to arrest Saradiel. While the authorities
were planning to arrest Saradiel, his daring deeds spread to Rambukkana,
Polgahawela and Kurunegala areas.
In Galagedara Saradiel killed an Arab who came to sell horses and
snatched Rs. 500 from him. Two traders were killed on the spot on
suspicion that they were police spies. Once the villagers and the police
surrounded Saradiel's mother's house he shot dead two people and fled to
the jungles of Matale. Siriamal, one of Saradiel's gang defected and
wanted the police to arrest his leader. He got Saradiel to take refuge
in a two-storeyed building at Mawanella. On a tipoff a police party
surrounded the house and found Saradiel with Mammalay Marikkar.
Sgt. Ahamath opened fire at Saradiel injuring him. But Mammalay
Marikkar shot constable Shaban dead. Sgt. Ahamath however, escaped
death. Just then AGA Kegalle arrived at the scene with a detachment of
Ceylon Rifles. Then both of them found further resistance futile and
Saradiel and Mammalay Marikkar were tied with strong chords and were
taken to Kandy. They were tried at Kandy Assizes before an English
speaking jury.
Richard Morgan the Crown Advocate who conducted the prosecution in
the case against Saradiel and Mammalay Marikkar commended the zeal and
bravery of the two police officers who took part in the operation.
Constable Shaban was the first police officer to die in action.
Accordingly every year the police Heroes' Day is commemorated in Sri
Lanka on March 21.
Saradiel and Mammalay Marikkar were hanged on May 7, 1864.
Thousands flocked to the streets of Kandy to have a glimpse of
Saradiel. They expected to see a well built, ferocious looking man but
were disappointed to see a slim man with a pleasant face. Mammalay
Marikkar had no courage to speak before the execution but Saradiel
addressed the gathering as a man who had gone astray and advised people
to take a lesson from his life.