Call for environment-friendly political campaigns
The Environment Ministry yesterday called upon all political party
supporters involved in the forthcoming North Central, Eastern and
Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council Election campaigns to refrain from using
polythene and plastic sign boards and help the Government's endeavour of
destroying possible dengue mosquito breeding grounds.
According to a senior Environment Ministry official, steps will be
taken to crack down on offenders who violate the Ministry guidlenes and
use excessive amounts of polythene during the election period.
Environment Minister Anura Priyadharshana Yapa told the Sunday
Observer that the Health Department deploy officials and spends a large
sum of money almost everyday to fight the dengue menace, destroying
mosquito breeding grounds even in private lands.
He said excessive use of polythene for the election campaign will
create more dengue breeding grounds unless they are properly removed
The Minister also warned party supporters to refrain from discarding
plastic bottles, lunch wrappers and other litter at places where
political meetings are held since they could also cause severe
environmental pollution.
He said Divisional Secretariats in these Provincial Councils have
already been advised to take strict measures against persons who violate
these regulations.
The Minister said persons who operate temporary food outlets should
make arrangements to remove the litter and other refuse in a proper way
to benefit those who attend political meetings.