Kittens are fun to capture
Kittens, like all baby animals have a lot of appeal and are very
popular subjects with the young crowd. However,before you start
capturing them on paper or canvas observe some of their prominent
physical features.

Notice the large eyes and ears. Kittens seem to have huge ears. Study
the cat given in Figure 1. Build a basic shape from the way the cat is
After you watch a cat for a while try to capture the outline shape
with deft strokes.
Next tackle details such as the face, tail, ears and claws. The long
fur is best drawn with quick loose strokes.
Observe the outline drawing I have done in Figure 1 before doing the
final drawing on Figure 2. At first stage, you have to make a line
drawing with a hard pencil (2H) on a smooth drawing paper.
Figures 1 and 2 show the outline drawn before going to the finished
drawings. Figure 3 shows the head of a long haired cat. Looking at the
sketches given here produce the different cat heads and complete the
final drawing showing details of long fur. It takes some practise to
make sketches that contain enough details to be used as a basis for a
final drawing. For a beginner it is a good idea to start off by drawing
a cat that will remain still for a long period of time. |