Need for national agriculture policy vital - Kasthuri Anuradhanayaka
by Mohammed NAALIR
The agriculture, health and education sectors should be developed.
Then only the province will achieve sustainable development. The state
of each of these sectors will affect the other," North Central Province
Chief UNP candidate, Kasthuri Anuradhanayaka told the Sunday Observer.
Q: Certain paddy purchasers take undue advantage, how can
farmers be protected?
A: There is no proper mechanism in the cultivation and
purchasing process of paddy. Farmers cultivate in an ad-hoc manner and
paddy purchasers make use of the opportunity.
As people depend on agriculture, a special mechanism is crucial to
improve the agriculture sector. A national agriculture policy should be
formulated. Market demand and the price of certain crops exert an
influence in the decision taken by farmers as to which crop to
Attention must be focused on the development of education and health
The major problem in the North Central Province is how to eliminate
kidney disease from the province.
Q: The storage capacity of major reservoirs has declined due
to mud deposits. What is the solution?
A: Relevant authorities must unite to solve this issue. It
can't be carried out individually. The experience of farmers, the
knowledge of engineers and ancient technology must join together to
implement the mud removing program and to develop the reservoirs.
Q: The use of chemical fertiliser is the cause of kidney
disease in the province. Do you have any plan to promote compost
fertiliser among farmers instead of chemical fertiliser?
A: The use of compost in the cultivation process would be a
part of the solution.
A solution can't be found for kidney disease in the province only by
promoting the use of compost fertiliser in the province.
Farmers must be coordinated in this program.
The addition of chemical waste to reservoirs should be prevented. A
series of awareness campaigns were conducted in the province about
kidney disease and the means to prevent it.
During an awareness campaign the authorities who took part
recommended that a drinking water supply project should be implemented
in kidney disease affected areas immediately.
Q: Do you have an idea to promote fruit cultivation in the
province in addition to paddy and chillies?
A: The agriculture sector has turned into a dependant
industry. Farmers are engaged in cultivation to cover the day-to-day
The assistance of the Government is crucial to implement mid term and
long-term agriculture projects.
We talk about mid-term and long-term crop cultivation.
The mediation of the Government is crucial to implement mid-term and
long-term agriculture projects to improve the living and economic
standards of farmers in the province.
The Government should provide subsidies to encourage farmers.
Q: Will a fund be set up to help farmers during floods and
A: A fund can't be limited to floods and drought because they
are natural occurrences. Setting up a fund is good as a temporary