1. What is the study of finger prints called?
2. Which country was the first to make fireworks?
3. Name the famous mathematician/ physicist who was born in the year
Galileo died.

4. Name two tissues that provide control and coordination in
multicellular animals
5. Plants that flower only once in their lifetime are called
6. What yellow metal is an alloy of copper and zinc?
7. Unlike most other fish, sharks have no bones.True/false?
8.The botanical name for brinjal is ;Solanum melongena, onion is Alium
cep;and rice is Oryza sativa. True/ False?
9. Give the botanical name for tea.
10. What is the liquid used to preserve specimens of plants and animals?
11. What is the metal used in storage batteries?
12. What is the principal metal used in manufacturing steel?
1. What kind of tree does a long eared owl live in ?
2. By what name is a baby owl called?
3. Do snowy owls have nests?
4. Do honeybees capture prey by distracting it?
5. Which bird is the most deadly enemy of the snake?
6. What is a mammal?
7. An invertebrate animal does not have a backbone. They are also
cold-blooded which means their body temperature changes according to the
environment. True/false?
8. If a carnivore is an animal which eats mainly meat what are
herbivores and omnivores?
9. What is a vertebrate?
10. What is an amphibian?
11. What is the slowest mammal?
12. Name the largest frog
1. Dactylography is the study of finger prints
2. China
3. Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton |
4. Nervous and muscular tissues.
5. True
6. Brass
7. True
8. True
9. Camellia Sinensis
10. Formalin
11. Lead
12. Iron
1. An oak tree
2. Baby owls are called owlets. Once they leave the nest they are
called branchers and once they start flying they are known as
3.This species of owl nests on the ground, building a scrape on top
of a mound or boulder.
4. Honeybees don't prey on other animals or insects - their sole diet
is pollen and nectar obtained from flowers.
5. The secretary bird.It s a bird with extremely long legs. It feeds
on snakes and kills the snake by stomping it to the ground
6. A mammal is a warm blooded, vertebrate l. Warm blooded means that
their temperature remains the same although their surroundings might
change. This explains why they have a covering of hair on their skin. A
mammal has milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing their young.
7. True

8.A herbivore is an animal which eats mainly plants and grass and an
omnivore is an animal which eats both meat and plants
9. A vertebrate is an animal that has a backbone which consists of
ring-like bones, called vertebrae, that protect the soft spinal cord
10. An amphibian is an animal which spends part of its life under
water (breathing with gills) and the remainder on land (breathing with
11.Three-toed sloth (found in South America) covers about 5 m a
minute in trees, and only 2 m a minute on the ground.
12.Goliath Frog (found in Africa).Length of body 33.5 cm. |