Air Force Colours Awards

Varatharasa trophy for the most outstanding sportsman 1.
011749 Sgt Ekanayake EPK – Beach Volleyball-2010

Flight Lieutenant P Abeyweera-Gunawardana trophy for the
most outstanding sportswoman 1.AW/3315 Cpl Rasnayake RMCS-
Athletic-2010/2011 |
Air Force Colours: The Colours awards ceremony 2010-2011 of the Sri
Lanka Air Force was held at the Water’s Edge hotel.
The Commander of the Air Force Air Marshal Harsha Abewickrama graced
the occasion as the chief guest.
The Vartharasa trophy for the most outstanding sportsman was awarded
to Sergeant Ekanayake for Beach Volleyball and to Corporal Wijerathne
for Weight-Lifting for the years of 2010 and 2011 respectively.
The special awards of the colours night were awarded to the following
sporting figures……
Varatharasa trophy for the most outstanding sportsman
1. 011749 Sgt Ekanayake EPK – Beach Volleyball-2010
2. 017657 Cpl Wijerathne RPMS – Weight Lifting -2011
Flight Lieutenant P Abeyweera-Gunawardana trophy for the most
outstanding sportswoman
1.AW/3315 Cpl Rasnayake RMCS- Athletic-2010/2011
Wing Commander WDHSW Goonetilake trophy for the most outstanding
runner up sportsman
1.014825 Cpl Bandara WGK – Weight Lifting-2010
2.21058 Sgt Priyadharshana KVS – Swimming-2011
Air Force Sports Council trophy for the most outstanding runner up
1.VAW/01405 AC Wijerathne DGCD – Judo-2010
2.AW/2175 Sgt Pradeepika KGD – Shooting-2011 |