Mom ignores dead baby for full day while chatting on Web
18 August Curious
A Japanese mom left her baby unattended to die in a crib, not
noticing his eventual death for at least full day due to her web
chatting habit, local media reports. The Japanese mother, 29-year-old
Yumiko Takahashi, had already lost two children to an accident and to an
illness, said she last saw 19-month-old son Neo alive some time on June
24th of last year.
Neo had been running a fever, and Takahashi put the boy down in his
crib. Eventually, postmortem examinations revealed that Neo passed away
from unreported causes at around 2PM the same day.
But Neo’s death went unnoticed by Takahashi until, unbelievably, June
26th and police say the delay, during which time the baby was presumably
not changed, offered food or drink, was at least 24 hours, perhaps more.
On the 26th, the young mother discovered the baby dead in his crib.
(A far less violent scenario than the American mom who shook her child
to death for interrupting her FarmVille game.) According to authorities,
Takahashi’s first child perished within the first few days of his life
due to an illness. |