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Sunday, 9 September 2012





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

A pleasant surprise at media heads' meeting

President usually hosts his monthly breakfast meeting with newspaper editors and media heads at Temple Trees. But the last meeting was held at the Speaker’s official residence at Sri Jayewardenepura on Friday.

Though relevant Cabinet Ministers were invited from time to time for such meetings, apart from Minister of Mass Media and Information Keheliya Rambukwella, there was an unusual guest at the last meeting in veteran UNP parliamentarian and Chief Opposition Whip John Amaratunga.

It was the Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa who made the welcome speech as the host and outlined the details on the forthcoming Commonwealth Parliamentary sessions in Colombo.

President Rajapaksa said the 58th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Colombo this week will give a great opportunity to showcase Sri Lanka’s achievements after the end of terrorism. He said that local media should make the Conference a launching pad to generate a positive discourse on this country locally and internationally.

The President said that many positives have been achieved after eradicating terrorism and such milestone achievements should be brought to the attention of the world. He said that media could play a positive role in this endeavour - a principal function in changing misconceptions about Sri Lanka.

The President said that the democratic process is alive and well in this country, as shown by the current Provincial Council polls and that the state would be only too happy to hold such elections in the North too. Speaking on the recent attack on Sri Lankan devotees by extremists in Tamil Nadu, the President said that the Government deals with only the Indian central government and not with Indian states or political factions. He said that the issue of the safety of Lankan pilgrims to India will be taken up with New Delhi when he goes to India on September 18.

“The Indian Government took immediate steps to protect Sri Lankans after the unruly incidents in Trichy. We have received a good response from the Indian central government on ensuring the safety of Lankan pilgrims. We need to act wisely on these issues,” the President said.

When it was brought to his attention by a journalist that the UNP had attributed the attack on the Lankan pilgrims to flaws in the government’s foreign policy, the President asked (to ripples of laughter from his audience): “Which faction of the UNP?” UNP Parliamentarian Amaratunga did not make any reply.

Answering a question with regard to the ongoing work stoppage by university lecturers, the President said that it was difficult to arrive at a solution to this issue when strike action was launched. “If a political motive is present in such issues, it is not possible to arrive at solutions. On principle, I will not hold discussions with any group while they are on a trade union action,” the President said.

Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva said that the CPC provides an opportunity for the world to come to Sri Lanka and to see for themselves this country’s achievements in the areas of resettlement, reconstruction, rehabilitation and reconciliation.

“They will see that this is not a divided country, but one which evenly distributes the fruits of development, non-discriminatorily,” he said. The bulk of development funds is for the North-East. “No state is as open as Sri Lanka”, he said. The visitors to this country could also see for themselves the progress being made in implementing the LLRC recommendations.

Minister Dullas Alahapperuma said that a duty is cast on the media to report accurately and positively on issues relating to the education sector. A case in point was the recent Year 5 scholarship examination. Every effort must be made to protect this sector, he said. The CPC is an ideal forum to exchange views on developing the education sector and other areas of relevance, he said.

UNP MP John Amaratunga assured the Opposition’s wholehearted support for the conduct of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. “The forum will bring great honour to Sri Lanka,” he said.

‘Keep children out of politics’

President Rajapaksa has been greatly concerned about the upward trend by Opposition politicians to drag children into politics. At the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP)’s 61st anniversary celebrations at the Kegalle Urban Council grounds last week, the President appealed to all to keep innocent children out of political ‘games’ and mudslinging.

“Don’t use students to gain political mileage,” he appealed. The President noted that certain opposition political parties were trying to make use of children who are the inheritors of the country’s future, to achieve petty political gain by targeting the examinations.

SLFP anniversary

The SLFP anniversary celebrations held under the patronage of the President were attended by government ministers, parliamentarians, provincial politicians, party members, leaders of UPFA constituent parties and the public. On the subject of children the President said that there were attempts to confuse and pressurise them with falsehoods and to instigate students into engage in road protests.

He said as a father of three children he was making a humble appeal to political parties to refrain from such acts and not to mislead children. The President said that the government will not allow any harm to come to children and will take appropriate action when necessary to prevent such occurrences.

Speaking on the country’s future, the President said the Sri Lanka now was on the path of rapid economic and social development. He said the government has been able to achieve equity in development. He said that the gap between cities and villages has reduced due to enhanced development and people become closer due to improved roads.

“The government’s policy in respect of all affairs will continue to be guided by the vital interests and well-being of the people. We will not yield to any other consideration,” he said. While pointing out that people had to undergo difficulties due to neglect and delay of some development projects unnecessarily by previous regimes, the President said that the present government will never hesitate to implement development projects which would benefit the people.

On the upcoming Provincial Council elections the President said as a government which had kept it promises it had never any doubt at any time to go before the people seeking their verdict. He said that government will win on performance and not on promises.

He said that the positive influences the SLFP had on the country during its six decade journey were immeasurable. The party which is completing 61 years will continue to pursue the people friendly political policies whilst steering the motherland to greater prosperity in the future as well, he said.

A special magazine to mark the 61st anniversary of the SLFP anniversary edited by the ‘Dinamina’ Deputy News Editor Jayasiri Munasinghe, was handed over to the President and senior SLFP members who were present.

Fonseka in political wilderness

Former Army commander Sarath Fonseka who marched from grace to disgrace after his humiliating 2010 presidential election defeat encountered further problems after a controversial newspaper interview last week.

First, Fonseka was deserted by the JVP which earlier formed the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) to contest 2010 April general election. Though both the JVP and the UNP officially supported the so-called common candidate Fonseka at the 2010 January presidential election, he was well behind the thumping number of votes polled by President Rajapaksa.

Since then, both the JVP and UNP showed no interest in holding on to Fonseka and contested the subsequent Local Government and Provincial Council elections separately. Fonseka last week suffered another setback as his confidant and DNA parliamentarian Tiran Alles thought enough is enough. Fonseka, in a newspaper interview the previous week, had apparently said that he is not willing to dance to the tune of Tiran Alles.

That would perhaps have hurt feelings of Alles who has been sincerely supporting the retired Army Commander, devoting both his time and wealth.

It is no secret the prominent role played by Alles in obtaining a special presidential pardon for Fonseka when he was in jail. It appears that gratefulness and gratitude are not in Fonseka’s vocabulary letting down Alles and undermining the efforts of the latter who had had many meetings with the President in a desperate bid to get his political partner released on a special presidential pardon.

Earlier, there was speculation in political circles that DNA parliamentarian Alles has resigned from the post of the Secretary of the Democratic Party, led by Fonseka.

However, Anoma Fonseka has subsequently told the media that her husband is yet to receive a letter of resignation from Alles. Whatever it is, it appears that the understanding Alles have had with Fonseka has now gone for a six.

Tamil businessmen’s protest

Members of the Tamil business community of Indian origin last week staged a massive protest opposite the Indian High Commission condemning the recent harassment of Sri Lankan pilgrims in Tamil Nadu. The Tamil businessmen in their thousands who thronged Galle Face green, called on the Tamil Nadu state government to stop attacks on Sri Lankan pilgrims visiting India. They voiced their anger over pro-LTTE elements in Tamil Nadu who have resorted to various manoeuvres to damage the centuries-old ties between the two nations.

They said this type of attack on Sri Lankan pilgrims is a disgrace to the Indian Tamil community living in Sri Lanka and urged the Indian central and state government to stop the attacks.

Carrying placards denouncing the repeated attacks on Lankans visiting India, the protestors marched towards the Indian High Commission compelling the police to close the entire Galle Road from Galle Face to Kollupitiya junction for vehicular traffic.

A strong contingent of police officers prevented the protestors from entering the Indian High Commission by placing barriers at the Galle Face roundabout.

Five members of the Tamil business community led by Ranjanas Group of Companies chairman K. Doraisamy handed over a letter to the Indian High Commission counsellor N Achariya to be sent to Indian President Pranab Mukerjee, Prime Minister Manamohan Singh, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalitha and Opposition Leader M Karunanidhi.

All their business places were kept closed in Pettah and Fort in protest at attacks on Sri Lankans visiting India.

First ever Paralympics medal

Minister of Sports Mahindananda Aluthgamage last week had the rare opportunity of witnessing Sri Lanka winning its first ever medal in the Paralympics Games history. Sri Lanka’s U.P. Pradeep Sanjaya won the first ever medal in a Paralympics for the country when he finished third, clocking 49.28 seconds in the men’s 400m T46 event to win the bronze medal at the London Paralympics Games on Wednesday.

Matzinger Gunther of Austria won the Gold Medal with a timing of 48.45 (T46) seconds while Brazilian Nascimento Yohansson (T 45) won the silver by clocking 49.21 seconds. Pradeep also erased the T46 400m Asian Record yesterday and his achievement placed Sri Lanka in the 68th position in the London Paralympics medals table. This is a remarkable achievement by Lance Corporal Sanjaya who had his left arm paralysed after he fell victim to a mortar blast in Kilinochchi in 2008 which did not prevented him from becoming an athletic hero for his country. Sanjaya was placed first in both 400m and 200m events at the Army Para Games in 2010 and set up a new Army record in the 4 x 100 relay event clinching the first place. In Asian Para Games 2010, held in China, he won the first place in the 400m and took part in the 200m.

He further accelerated himself in the 2012 Selection Trials for Para Olympic Games in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and went on to create a new Asian record by finishing first in the 200m in 22.98 seconds. Minister Aluthgamage who is in London to encourage the Sri Lankan contingent, was among the first to congratulate Sanjeewa soon after the event. Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa too called Sanjeewa to congratulate him on his historic achievement.

Supreme Court orders UGC

A three Judge Bench of the Supreme Court last week directed the University Grants Commission (UGC) to comply with the judgement dated July 25, 2012, and release the rankings of the students of the last GCE (AL) examination under both the old and new syllabi on an islandwide and district basis, considering both sets of candidates as two different groups.

The Court ordered to release the rankings before Monday. The next call date was re-fixed for September 12 when the case is to be mentioned. The Bench comprised Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake, Justice K Sri Pavan and Justice Gamini Ameratunge.

The Court further directed the first respondent, the Examinations Department to assist the second respondent cited as the UGC, to assist and give directions to release rankings in accordance with the Court directive. The Chief Justice observed that out of the four proposed methodologies, the third methodology which is to increase the intake of students is the most viable.

“This is the third occasion the matter has come up before court. Hence, there is no provision for mistakes. “The students’ interests is the foremost consideration. “The court is of the view that every endeavour should be made by state universities in their next intake to accommodate an additional 4,928 in addition to the islandwide intake of 21,500 students.” The Chief Justice at the outset observed that some documents relevant to the hearing have not been filed. There is to be a single judgement in respect of the several petitions filed.

Attorney at Law M. Sumanthiran submitted that Islamic and Arabic Studies Faculties were not in favour of increasing the intake. “The UGC has not complied with the earlier court order to formulate the Z score based on two different categories. A contempt case will be heard on the next date of hearing. Attorney at Law Kuvera de Soysa appearing with Attorney at Law Sanjeewa Jayawardana for the petitioners submitted that the UGC had discussions with stakeholders including students and submitted the outcome to Court.

Attorney General Palitha Fernando appearing for the 1, 3, 4 and 5th respondents submitted that three meetings with the UGC were held. Attorney at Law Faiz Mustafa appeared for the second respondent (UGC) while Attorney at Law Saliya Pieris appeared for 33 petitioners.

The sacred Kapilavastu relics were brought to the Gangarama Temple yesterday and the exposition will continue until tomorrow (10). The exposition of the Kapilavastu relics which was to end on September 5 was extended until Tuesday by the Indian Government on a request made by President Rajapaksa.

The sacred Kapilavastu Buddhist relics which brought to Sri Lanka from India after more than 30 years, was received by President Mahinda Rajapaksa on August 19 at the Bandaranaike airport. Exposition of the Sacred Relics was to be held at five locations from August 19 to September 5 with Pirith Chanting by the Maha Sangha but now has been extended to September 11. Opposition leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, who had previously made some controversial remarks on the exposition of the Sacred Relics and even attempted to connect it with the Provincial Council elections, ultimately ate humble pie.

The UNP leader joined President Rajapaksa when the sacred Kapilavastu relics were brought to the Gangaramaya yesterday.

The public can pay homage to the Sacred Relics from noon today to 6 pm on September 10. Buddhist Affairs Assistant Commissioner Chinthana Jayasinghe said that hundreds of thousands of devotees lined up in queues for long hours to pay homage to Sacred Kapilawasthu Relics at the Tissamaharama Rajamaha Viharaya before they were brought to Colombo.

He said the queues were over three kilometers long and around 400,000 devotees had already paid homage to the Sacred Relics at the Tissamaharama Rajamaha Vihara.

The Relics which were at the National Museum in Delhi were brought to Sri Lanka after three decades. It was heartening and exemplary to see youthful parliamentarian Namal Rajapaksa playing a prominent role in accompanying the Sacred Relics with the Maha Sanga.



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