Trade deficit declines
The tight policies adopted by the Government in February this year
continued to deliver the expected results according to the latest
external sector statistics issued by the Central Bank (CB). There was a
marked deceleration in expenditure on imports by July 2012, and the
trade deficit declined by 33.8 percent, year-on-year, to $ 535 m in July
2012, the lowest recorded in 17 months. Devaluation of the rupee,
interest rate increase and limitation of credit have reduced import
demand significantly since April 2012.
By July there was a 24.9 percent year-on-year decline in import
expenditure. Expenditure on consumer goods declined by 20.9 percent,
intermediary goods by 27.4 percent and investment goods by 20.6 percent.
Decrease in the import of motor vehicles contributed to a decline in
import expenditure and there was a 62.4 percent, year-on-year decline in
expenditure on motor vehicle imports by July.
With regard to intermediate goods, significant declines were noted in
respect of import expenditure in relation to fertiliser, gold, wheat and
rubber based products.
As in June, expenditure on investment goods imports recorded a
decline in July 2012 too, although for the first seven months of 2012,
investment goods recorded an increase on a year-on-year basis.
Expenditure on import of investment goods in July declined by 20.6 per
cent, year-on-year.
However, the sharp decline in exports weakened the positive impact of
import control. Export earnings declined by 17.4 percent to US$ 794 m
Exports of agricultural products declined by 11.8 percent and
industrial products by 19.3. Tea exports declined by 12.6 percent and
textile and apparel exports declined by 14.4 percent. There was a 4.6
percent decline in export earnings in the first seven months of the year
and tea exports declined by 5.5 percent, textile and garments by 3.6.
Earnings from food and beverage exports declined by 19.8 percent
during this period. The reason for the decline in export earnings is
weaker global demand and decline in commodity prices in the
international markets.
The other reason pointed out by the CB is the base effect, the
historically high level of $ 962 m export earnings in July, 2011 had
also led to the relatively large drop in export earnings in July 2012.