'Candela' to debut at Colombo Book Fair
Candela, an innovative new interactive education tool, is to be
launched at the Colombo International Book Fair at the BMICH next week.
This is a product that is available in CD form, which can be loaded
on to any computer to provide children with a learning experience and
can be used as a tool by tutors whilst giving parents the opportunity to
track their child's performance.
The initial products to be launched include Grade 6 and Grade 8
Science in Sinhala. Grade 7 will be launched in late 2012. Trilingual
versions of all three grades are due to be launched in 2013. These
products are entirely based on the Education Ministry's officially
published curriculum for science.
"Candela Learning Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. is a learner-centric
education solutions provider which provides students and teachers with
cost effective learning and teaching tools that make the process of
learning science more engaging and entertaining," a spokesman for
Candela said.