Drought hits vast acres of land in Moneragala
by M. Nelson PIYARATNE, Kataragama Gr. Cor.
Land areas of 12,229 acres in extent under paddy and additional crops
cultivation in the Moneragala district have been completely destroyed
due to the severe drought, according to Moneragala District Secretary A.
Out of this 4,632 acres are paddy cultivated lands and 7,597 acres
are additional crop cultivated lands.
The mostly hit paddy lands without water are in the Buttala DS area
which is 1,569 acres. 1119 acres of paddy lands have been destroyed in
Siyambalanduwa DS area.
In addition to that 1,944 acres of lands under paddy and additional
crop cultivation in Kataragama, Sevanagala, Tanamalwila, Wellawaya,
Madagama, Bibila and Badalkumbura DS areas have been destroyed.