ARIFEEN SHYAMA. Beloved wife of Sabri, everloving
mother of Shamil and Shakil, daughter of late Marzook Majid and late Shakira,
daughter-in-law of Hussain and Laffira, expired on 01.10.2012. The family of
late SHYAMA thank all relations and friends who attended the Janaza, sent
messages of condolence and helped in numerous ways. Regret inability to thank
everyone individually. 269794
KARUNASENA - The family members of late MRS SITA
PADMINI KARUNASENA nee Malalasekera, sincerely thank the clergy of Sri Parama
Visuddharamaya Viharaya, Gangula, Panadura, Sri Shaila Bimbarama Viharaya
Malamulla Panadura and Sri Panngnodayaramaya Viharaya Udahamulla Nugegoda, the
Doctors and Nursing staff of the Teaching Hospital - Kalubowila, the relations &
friends from Sri Lanka & overseas, neighbours and past pupils and present staff
of Panadura Balika Vidyalaya and St. Johns College, Panadura, who attended the
funeral, sent messages of condolence, floral tributes and the support extended
to us during our period of grief. We appreciate your sincerity and regret our
inability to thank everyone individually. 22, Kuruppumulla Rd, Panadura.
Tel: 038 22 35436. 273924
Ilaihi Raaji-Oon. Dearly beloved wife of late M.L.M. Ahamed J.P. (Ahmed
Bros.), loving mother of Farina, Zeenia, Faiz, Yasmin, Mumtaz and Shahrazan,
mother-in-law of late M.L. Farouk, Dr Rizan Badurdeen, Nasreen, Razik Zarook,
late Norfel Zanoon and late Nawaz Ghazaly, darling grandmother of Shyama,
Nabeel, Sameera, Ishan, Dr Dilshad, Dr Sumaiya and Ayaz Haniffa (USA),
Susana and Ishraq Wahab, Thariq and Widad, Jameela, Thuraiya and Haneef,
Yusuf, Abdul Malik and Nabiha, Aysha and Ilham Farook, Rishdha and Mafaz
Ishaq, Shadiya and Indika Karunajeewa, Amani and Shihaal Majeed (Singapore),
Nadhra, Naveed, Dr Thabit and Nizreena Ghazaly (Dubai), Dr Zulaiha and Dr
Imran Glado (New Zealand) and Sabir and Parveen Ghazaly (Dubai), daughter of
late S.D.M. Ibrahim and late Noor Suwada, sister of late Hussain, M.I.M.
Misbah (Canada) and late Rifa, great grandmother of Leenah, Sorayah, Sofia
Mariam, Ibrahim, Hafsa, Zainab, Mariam, Ayoob, Tasnim, Abdullah, Muhammed,
Oman, Noorah, Luqman, Danyaal, Yusra, Samarah, Yaman, Tahani, Keyan, Shahir,
Ameera, Ruqayya and Zahraa. Janaza took place on 18.10.12 at 4.30 p.m. at
Maligawatte Muslim Burial Ground. The members of her family wish to thank
Prof. U.S. Jayawickrema, Dr P.N.B. Wijekoon and Dr Mohan Jayatilake and
staff of the ICU and Ward, 7th Floor of The Central Hospital and All
relations and friends who attended her Janaza. 31/2, Horton Place,
Colombo 7. 274718
Bennet Kumarasingha (retired Principal), mother of Kamani Kottahachchi
(retired Teacher), late Percy Kumarasingha (Attorney-at-law), Padmini
Gunasekara (National Institute of Apprenticeship), mother-in-law of Ranjith
Kottahachchi (retired Post Master), Upali Gunasekara (Telecommunication
Engineer Luminex Pvt Ltd), grandmother of Dhanuka (Sampath Bank Embilipitiya),
Gayani (1st year student, Science Faculty Colombo), expired. Cortege leaves
residence at 46A, Bishop Terrace, Laxapathiya, Moratuwa on Sunday
21st October at 2.00 p.m. for cremation at Rawathawaththa, Public Cemetery.
- Darling daughter of the late Sudharman & the late Dr. Gouri, darling
sister of Chandani (Australia), Premani (Australia), Thilak (Hayleys
Lifesciences) & Lalith (Design Point). Cortege leaves residence No. 04,
Ohlums Place, Borella at 3.30 p.m. on Monday 22nd October. Burial at the
General Cemetery, Kanatte. 274787
RODRIGUES - AINSWORTH - Husband of Vivienne,
father of Vanessa and Shean, son of the late Bertram (S.B.) and Princia
Rodrigues, son-in-lw of the late Lorna and Noel Matthysz, father-in-law of
Terrance Etugala and Stephani, beloved grandfather of Ian and Angelo,
brother of Joan Deanna, Charmaine, Dawn, Heather and Princes, brother-in-law
of Ranmal De Mel, Tyrone, Howie, Doug Gauder, Ralph, De Lanerolle, Ronnie
Guneratne, Michael, Matthysz, Isabella & Malcom Fernando (USA), Owen &
Nilmini, Matthysz (Canada), Susan & Dominic, Rosa (Aust), expired. Remains
will lie at Barney Raymond Funeral Parlour from Sunday 21st October
from 9.00 a.m. Cortege leaves Parlour on Monday 22nd October at 3 p.m. for
Burial at General Cemetery, Kanatte (General Christian Section) at 3.30 p.m.
husband of Hemantha, loving father of Upekkha and Umanga, father-in-law of
Buvaneka, precious grandfather of Amrita and Anish, expired. Cortege leaves
Jayaratne Funeral Parlour, Borella on Sunday 21st October at 1.30 p.m.
for cremation at General Cemetery, Borella crematorium at 2 p.m. 274694 |