SriLankan promotes MICE tourism
SriLankan Airlines' 44-page, handy-sized MICE brochure was launched
recently. It describes the diverse attributes that Sri Lanka offers as a
Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions destination in Asia,
to combine business and leisure.
The brochure describes the scale of MICE facilities, the variety of
interesting MICE locations including Colombo, professional conference
organisers and destination management companies.
The guide gives an overview of what to expect in Sri Lanka, which is
turning out to be one of Asia’s newest and exciting places to conduct
MICE events and why Sri Lanka’s national carrier, SriLankan Airlines, is
the best option to get to the destination.
Edge Hotels signs agreements
The newly formed Edge Hotels and Resorts signed two agreements with
the BOI to develop two of their properties, Reefs Edge Hotel and Villas
at Uswetakeiyawa and City Edge Colombo at the Marine Drive,
These agreements were signed between the Board of Investment and Edge
Hotels and Resorts.“Edge Hotels and Resorts, will showcase the beauty
and diversity of our island paradise by providing memorable holidays at
strategically located, architecturally appealing hotels,” a spokesman
for Edge Hotels said.
NDB partners SEA in ADB projects
NDB Bank entered into a partnership with the Sri Lanka Sustainable
Energy Authority (SEA) and the Government as a participating financial
institute for a special initiative introduced by the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) to assist the development of micro hydro power projects
within the estate sector.
ADB will provide a credit line of $1.29 m to refurbish and re-power
micro-hydro power plants in identified tea and rubber estates to harness
hydro power resources.
The project will deliver engineering assessment and environmental and
social monitoring to develop 19 identified micro-hydro projects
generating 1.3 MW of grid connected capacity on a net metering basis.
Razik Zarook new BoC chairman
Senior attorney-at-law and President’s Counsel Razik Zarook assumed
duties as Chairman of the Bank of Ceylon last week.
He was enrolled to the Bar in 1969. A former diplomat and chairman of
several public corporations, his management skills came to limelight
when he was appointed chairman of the Co-operative Wholesale
Establishment (CWE) by the then Trade and Shipping Minister, the late
Lalith Athulathmudali.
He was given the responsibility of turning around the CWE to become
an efficient and viable organisation responsible for the distribution of
essential commodities thereby preventing the creation of artificial
scarcities in the market.
TVEC receives ISO 9001:2008 certificate
Director General of Sri Lanka
Standards Institution, Dr.Lalith N. Senaweera presents ISO
certificate to the Chairman of TVEC, Prof. Dayantha
Wijesekara. |
The Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (TVEC) which was
successful at the third party recertification audit conducted by the Sri
Lanka Standards Institute recently, was granted the ISO 9001:2008
certificate for another three-year period from 2012. Being a apex
monitoring body for Technical and Vocational Education and Training,
TVEC intends to enhance the quality assurance activities of TVET by
maintaining the standards of ISO 9001:2008.
CIC Holdings sponsors TOYP
CIC was the principal sponsor at the 32nd JCI Ten Outstanding Young
Persons (TOYP) Awards, which concluded last year.
The most coveted youth award in Sri Lanka, the Junior Chamber
International's TOYP Awards recognise the achievements of 10 of the most
outstanding youth in the country who have excelled in their chosen
fields of work and contributed to society and inspired the people around
them. Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of CIC Holdings,
Samantha Ranatunga said, "CIC Holdings believes in the promise and
potential of the youth of the country and takes pride in supporting
endeavours which encourage and develop their skills." |