Let’s save water!
We humans are destroying one of Mother Nature’s greatest gifts to us
– water.
Water is our lifeblood and destroying it means that nothing can live
on Mother Earth. Water comes in bodies. Some are oceans, seas,
waterfalls, lakes and rivers.

The water some people drink is obtained from wells or rivers.
However, if you are living close to a dam and you have access to pipe
borne water, the water that you drink will be purified with chemicals.
We often use water called hard water at home but several
manufacturing companies use another type of water called soft water.
Water has many uses. It is used for drinking, cleaning, cooking and
for the production of electricity.
Hydroelectricity or hydro power has greatly improved over the the
years since it was first introduced. The first large hydroelectric
scheme was completed in 1892 at Niagara, USA. Since then, many large
hydroelectricity schemes have been started all over the world. There are
many hydro power projects even in Sri Lanka.
Harbours are also sheltered stretches of water that provide a safe
place for ships to berth. Natural harbours are the finest harbours. For
example, the Sydney Harbour in Australia and the harbour at Trincomalee
are natural harbours.
Today most of the water bodies are being polluted. Due to pollution
many creatures that live in water are becoming extinct. Despite the
threat such careless actions pose for all living creatures we are doing
nothing to prevent it.
We must stop the destruction of water bodies to save the numerous
animals that live in them. Otherwise the water cycle will break down.
Almost everything we do results in some sort of pollution to Mother
Nature. If this goes on at the rate it is happening today, we will not
only lose the many resources of water, but also every living thing that
depends on water for their existence, including ourselves.
Poisoning water resources with chemicals and throwing garbage into
waterways are two major forms of pollution. So, we must stop such
careless actions to save our precious and priceless lifeblood – water!
Shivangi Sritharan,
St. Jude’s College,
Reading, a great hobby
is a good habit and an interesting hobby. I read story books and
newspapers. My mother buys me a lot of story books. They are very
interesting. My father buys me the newspapers. They are very useful.
Newspapers give a lot of information – good news and even the bad news
from all over the country and world.
We can enjoy reading story books and enrich our general knowledge by
reading newspapers. Some of the magazines have beautiful pictures. I
like to read story books on Mr. Mock and Heidi. I also like the story of
the two brothers, Rover and Buddy. I go into another world when I read
an interesting story book.
Books are our greatest friends. We can read during our leisure. Books
are a great way to relax. When we spend time with books, we spend that
time happily. We can forget our troubles and sorrows by reading.
There are many valuable books in a library .So as books are
expensive, a library is the best place for someone who is interested in
reading to go to. “Reading maketh a full man” is a popular saying. We
can improve our knowledge in many ways by cultivating the habit of
Fatima Ilma
Grade 3,
O.K.I. International School, Wattala.
Maintaining good health
Our day-to-day activities can be disturbed if we fall ill. Whether
the illness is serious or not, it will affect our daily routine, income,
time and even our happiness.
When our daily routine gets affected we feel uncomfortable and
miserable. Some diseases such as dengue, diarrhoea or tetanus can lead
to dreadful situations. And, if not treated immediately, they may even
cause death.

When we fall ill with any kind of disease, we usually rush to a
hospital or go to a medical practitioner to obtain treatment. If
however, we can prevent diseases, we could save both our valuable time
and money. There is an old saying that says, “Prevention is better than
cure.” So, rather than going to doctors it is better to lead a healthy
life and prevent falling ill. If somebody practises good health habits
and maintains personal hygiene, the possibility of germ attacks can be
Taking a balanced diet and a nutritious one comprising fresh food at
the proper time, drinking plenty of boiled and filtered water, keeping
ourselves clean by bathing regularly, trimming our nails, wearing clean
clothes and brushing our teeth helps maintain personal hygiene. These
are only some helpful hints to lead a healthy life. Apart from personal
hygiene, there are a few other factors too that we have to take into
consideration when trying to keep diseases at bay.
We have to get rid of mosquito breeding places, especially containers
that collect water as some species of mosquito cause deadly disease such
as dengue, malaria and filariasis. You may have seen some places that
are dense with mosquito larvae. Remember that the dengue mosquito lays
its eggs in clean water.
Flies are another kind of vectors which spread diseases. Flies and
mosquitoes are the major vectors of infectious diseases. Keeping food
without any covering allows flies and other insects to settle on it and
cause various diseases. Places where garbage is collected are good
breeding places for flies. So, we have to keep our environment clean and
We must also get vaccinated against dangerous diseases. This is
called immunization. Diseases such as polio, hepatitis, rubella,
measles, tetanus and diphtheria can be easily prevented through
immunization. When there is an immunization programme organised by the
Government we should get ourselves vaccinated to prevent contracting
Many disease are very dangerous and thousands have died in the past.
But today most of these diseases are under control or eradicated through
So, let’s eat nutritious food, maintain personal hygiene and keep our
environment clean to stay free from diseases and lead a healthy life .
We can also save our valuable time and money by doing so.
U.G. Nimesha Ruwanara Wasundara,
Grade 9,
Sussex College,
Nuwara Eliya.
Let's stop the spread of dengue
Today dengue has become a great problem to Sri Lanka. It has been
spreading all over the country during the past two to three years.
Although it is only a fever, it is very dangerous. If neglected it has
the power to kill people.
claim that hundreds of people in various parts of the country have died
as a result of dengue during the past few years. Therefore, we cannot
ignore the threat this disease poses to human life.
How does this dreaded virus – dengue spread? It is a viral disease
which is spread by a mosquito. So, if we control the breeding of this
particular mosquito, we will be able to stop the spread of dengue. Even
though the Government is primarily responsible for implementing measures
to control it, we can also assist in controlling it by fulfilling our
duties as responsible citizens.
How can we control the spread of dengue? The dengue mosquito breeds
in clean water. So, we should destroy all the areas where water can
collect such as coconut shells, tyres, empty cans, polythene bags and
other empty or discarded containers. Waste containers must be destroyed
properly so that rain water cannot collect in them. We must always keep
our environment clean by sweeping the garden and cleaning shrubs, drains
and the gutters. We must dispose of garbage in a proper manner in the
right places. Many just throw their garbage all over the place.
We should also make others aware of the danger dengue poses and
educate them on ways of preventing the disease from spreading. Although
dengue is sometimes fatal, it can be avoided by taking good care of our
surroundings. It is our duty to keep the environment clean and prevent
the spread of not only dengue but also other diseases.
D.Amanda Anuradha,
Grade 9,
President's College, Minuwangoda.
Parents – a precious gift in our lives

A precious gift means a very valuable gift. The most precious gift in
our lives is our parents. We must always thank them because we were
gifted to this world by our precious parents. They care for us and do
everything to introduce us to society as good citizens. They fulfil our
needs and expectations without expecting anything in return for their
help and the many sacrifices they make.
We spend our lives in their shelter with love and care. They love and
care for us more than anyone else in the world.
Some adults don't care much about their parents today. It is wrong.
Even if our parents have grown old we must take care of them and heed
their advice because they have more experience than us. When we are
facing problems; they give us solutions.
Their advice is invaluable and could even help change our lives .
Some children when they become adults forget the many valuable things
that their parents did for them when they were helpless little children
. They put their parents in Elders’ homes and refuse to take up
responsibility for them. Their excuse is that they are busy and have no
time to look after their parents. It is wrong to abandon parents when
they are old and feeble because that is the time they need their
children the most.
Parents like to receive love from their children and grandchildren.
No amount of luxury and comfort in an elders’ home can measure up to the
love and care of their children.
Ilma Ishak,
Grade 9A,
Lexicon International School,
What we can learn from grandparents
My father's parents and my mother's parents are my grandparents. We
are fortunate to have them living with us or living close to our
residence. Grandparents are very much older than our parents and they
have more knowledge and experience in life.
grandparents are important to us in many ways. In the first place they
are senior citizens who have gathered years of knowledge and experience
in life. Some of them have worked in Government and private
institutions. They have moved with so many people gathering experience.
With their experience and knowledge, they are in a better position to
advise their children and also their grandchildren.
Those who have grandparents have another advantage. That is in times
of difficulties and any emotional problems,grandchildren can always
consult them and ask for their guidance and support.
The bond between grandparents and grandchildren is very strong. In
fact, grandchildren are closer to their grandparents than to their
parents. Grandchildren have a natural tendency to be with their
grandparents for two reasons. One reason is that grandparents' love is
unconditional. They do not impose many rules and regulations like
parents. The other is that grandparents do not expect anything in return
from their grandchildren.
Most grandparents have spent their life productively gathering wealth
and experience. As a result they are in a position to share their wealth
and experience with their grandchildren.
Grandparents are the most important people in our life. Because of
the strong bond they have with us, their grandchildren, they can help
improve our standard of life in many ways. They know the history of the
world, so, they can teach us many lessons. It is our responsibility to
look after them. When they are too old to manage their lives, we must
step in to help them and shower them with love.
G.H. Sithira Chandula Ariyadasa,
Grade 9,
S. Thomas’ College,
Mt. Lavinia. |