Mystic power of the
Scientists may succeed in unravelling some of the mysteries and
secrets of planet Earth, but they will never be able to explain all of
Earth’s mysteries, ever. The planet we live in is so full of mysteries
that can never be solved. People often see weird and mysterious things
for which there are no scientific explanations. Some of the things we
see on the land around us are very strange and awesome. Even more
amazing sights are visible when people look down on Earth from the sky.
secrets are many and we can understand the lack of explanation for some
of the natural occurrences or things around us, but what about the
mystery linked to even some of the man-made things from ancient times?
The ancient pyramids of Egypt are one such mystery. There are many
secrets hidden behind these large stone monuments with sloping sides and
a point at the top.
Even after over 4,500 years, the pyramids of Egypt continue to have a
special magic. These huge monuments built as tombs for ancient Egyptian
kings and queens (the Pharaohs) have amazed people down the ages.
Scientists have answered some of the questions connected with these
large monuments constructed in the desert, but many are yet to be
The very manner in which these great pyramids have been constructed
is amazing. It’s impossible to imagine how such huge blocks of stone
were brought to the location to construct these pyramids.
These huge monuments in the desert will always make our imagination
go wild and fuel scientists to continue their research to uncover their
There is far more to the three pyramids of Giza than what meets the
eye. At first sight these three pyramids seem to be built in no special
order. However, it has been discovered that the pattern of the pyramids
was an exact match to the stars in Orion’s belt. These stars were sacred
to the Egyptians. It is said that the vent at the top of the Great
Pyramid was lined up with the Orion Constellation – perhaps to help the
dead king’s soul fly to its resting place in heaven. The Great Pyramid
is as high as a 42-storey building. Do you know that about two and a
half million stone slabs have been used to construct this pyramid? How
the workmen managed to cut the slabs without the aid of precise tools
for measuring or cutting remains a wonder. Researchers say it would have
taken at least 20,000 workers to build the famous pyramids but
archaeologists have never found even a trace of their living area to

A Pyramid in China |

Chichen Itza of Mexico. |
Apart from the fact that the vent of the Great pyramid is lined up
with the Orion constellation, the exact location of the pyramid is
another fascinating point. According to scientists when all the Earth’s
land is shown on a map, the Great pyramid is at the very centre. The
maths needed to put it right there, with its position to the stars was
indeed outstanding. The question many pose is was it just a coincidence
or was there a super-human brain behind it?’ It is clearly evident that
whoever built the Great Pyramid did not do so on a whim. The builders
were not only very knowledgeable of the Earth but also knew maths,
science, engineering and astronomy. They had a reason and a purpose for
constructing this great monument right at the centre of the Earth. If
all they wanted was to leave behind something to show how clever they
were, they have certainly succeeded.
It is not easy for us to build such massive and impressive structures
today even with all the modern machinery. Even if we do succeed in
constructing an edifice similar to the Great Pyramid, it is questionable
as to whether it would last for thousands of years.
When we talk of pyramids, what comes to our minds instantly are the
great pyramids of Egypt. However, they are not the only pyramids in the
world. So, pyramids do not belong only to Egypt. There are many other
pyramids and one of the oldest and largest pyramids of the world is said
to be in Tibet.
There is much controversy about this pyramid known as the White
Pyramid and is said to be about 300 metres in height. Many say it’s only
fable while others claim it is is hidden away in the mountains. So, many
are not familiar with it. But if you visit China you will be able to see
some ancient pyramids there because it is recorded that there are over a
hundred pyramids which are believed to be older than even those in
The famous Mayans too who were very much in the news recently
following the fear surrounding the fate of the world with the end of the
Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, are known to have built pyramids.
Deep in the jungles of Mexico are the mysterious temples and pyramids of
the Mayans.
They too built pyramids as high as a 20 storey building without metal
tools about 2,000 years ago. And like the ancient pyramids of Egypt,
these are lined up with the stars and the solar system.
The famous pyramid at Chichen Itza in Mexico has 365 steps-one each
for everyday of the year. Now, isn’t that amazing?

The pyramid in Tibet |
Pyramids seem to have some strange power indeed. Don’t you think it
is strange that the three most famous pyramids of the world in Egypt,
Tibet ,Mexico are in a line across the Earth? Is it just by chance that
these pyramids are all at similar lines of lattitude? (the distance of a
place in degrees north or south of the Equator).
What made different people, from different lands belonging to
different periods of time in history build huge monuments that are very
similar in structure? Was it just coincidence or great minds thinking
We know that the Egyptians built the great pyramids as tombs for
their Pharaohs. But were they something more significant than mere
tombs? They were filled with great treasures for the afterlife.
To construct these massive shrines, the pharaoh’s copied the oldest
and largest pyramid of all, the Great Pyramid of Giza. But the Great
Pyramid itself contains no pharaoh’s body, no treasure chamber, and no
treasures. Who, then, designed it and built it? What was its purpose?
The truth is stranded in mystery.
[Fact file]
* Whoever built the Great Pyramid used a technologly that we still do
not possess today to cut, move, and cement stones. Whoever built it also
had some knowledge of the Earth, because it was built in the right
spot-one of the few places that would support such a great weight.
The builder also knew where the greatest land mass of the Earth was
in both the North-South and East-West directions.
* The Great Pyramid is one of the most comprehensively surveyed
buildings in the world. Scientists over the centuries have taken
thousands of measurements in their quest to find out more about its
mysteries. Among those intrigued by the incredible accuracy of the
Pyramid’s construction was the great scientist and mathematician Sir
Isaac Newton.

The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt |
* The oldest structure in existence, having been started 4,617 years
ago,the Great Pyramid is the sole remnant of the Seven Wonders of the
* Only a solid stone mountain could endure the Great Pyramid’s
immense weight. And indeed, a flat solid granite mountain happens to be
located just beneath the surface of the ground directly under the
* The bulk of the Great Pyramid’s core was constructed of 4,000- to
40,000-pound blocks of soft limestone, the outer layer of the Pyramid
was made of a beautifully bright, protective layer of polished stone.
These outer “casing stones” are missing today because about 600 years
ago they were stolen by Arabs, (This accounts for the very worn
appearance of the Pyramid today, since the inner limestone blocks are
not immune to attack by the elements-wind, rain, and sand strom.) This
protective covering was made up of 100-inch-thick, 20-ton block of hard,
white limestone, similar to marble but superior in hardness and in
durability against the elements.
* The average height of land above sea level (Miami being low and the
Himalayas being high), as can be measured only by modern-day satellites
and computers, happens to be 5,449 inches. That is the exact height of
the Pyramid.
*Early stories about the pyramids in China began right around the
Second World War.
Facts and pix: Internet |