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Sunday, 3 March 2013





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Keheliya breaks the 'happiest' news to Ranil

If one questions as to who was the happiest politician last week, many would not hesitate to name Ranil Wickremesinghe, the Leader of the Opposition and the United National Party (UNP).

The reason for him to become the happiest person on earth was the heartening statement by Mass Media and Information Minister Keheliya Rambukwella during last week's Cabinet news briefing in Colombo.

Minister Rambukwella said that there will be no Presidential election next year. However, he said that Provincial Council elections for certain provinces may be held in 2014.

The minister was commenting on the UNP's bid to follow Gandhian non-violence mingled with guerrilla activities of Prabhakaran to forge an Avihinsavadhi Guerrilla Movement of the UNP. Though the UNP Reformists group alleges that Ranil is a weak leader and is only interested in remaining as the Opposition Leader, he is no fool to act in such a manner.

Ranil is an experienced politician who understands the present political climate. He knows that the present political environment is not conducive for the UNP to regain power as the masses have reposed implicit faith on President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his Government at every given opportunity.

Hence, Ranil is marking time while retaining the UNP leadership to make a comeback at the right time. But the manner in which the President has become closer to the people's pulse and the UNP leader's inability to understand the aspirations of the masses would force Ranil to wait for many moons to even come close to giving a fight.

Under the circumstances, Minister Rambukwella's statement that there would not be any presidential election next year would have been a great relief for Ranil so that he could fully concentrate on internal problems in the UNP and establish his position further in the main Opposition party.

The appointment of the UNP Deputy Leader still remains an unsolved issue as Ranil is taking his own time in a determined move to discipline Sajith Premadasa, who previously held the position. Unless Sajith gives up his personal agenda and unconditionally agrees to fall in line with the UNP leadership, Ranil is not going to reappoint the Hambantota district parliamentarian.

Chandrika opens her big mouth again

Certain Opposition politicians have once again become hyperactive ahead of the next sessions of the United Nations Human Right Council (UNHRC) in Geneva this week. These bankrupt politicians who have been rejected by the masses in successive elections know that they could never capture power democratically.

Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike is notorious for making controversial statements from time to time ever since she retired from active politics in November, 2005. Perhaps, she may be doing so to be in the limelight as she has become a forgotten figure after retirement.

Despite holding the powerful post of Executive President for 11 years, she not only failed to find a solution to LTTE terrorism but also failed miserably in administration without hardly any notable development project. She did everything to hang onto power until the last minute and even after the 2004 tsunami devastation, she danced to the tune of LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran, promising a powerful administrative body (PTOMS) to the Tiger terrorists.

She even attempted to remain in power for one more year, before the Supreme Court ruled that she should step down and hold a presidential election in 2005.

Chandrika seems to be conducting herself as a self appointed advisor as she makes useless and non-practical statements from time to time. She originally declared her plans to write her own autobiography but many wondered how honest she would be in disclosing her true lifestyle.

Then she dragged herself into an unwarranted controversy with Minister Mervin Silva, insulting his son. But she was forced to go on defensive when Minister Silva hit back strongly and warned her of serious consequences if he opens his mouth and discloses the truth.

Chandrika is now suggesting the formation of a national government at a time there is no serious threat such as terrorism and the country is moving fast on the path to development. National governments are formed mostly during crisis situations or when a party has a thin majority in the legislature.

Though Chandrika ran her 1994 Government with a majority of one vote, she is now calling for a national government when the ruling UPFA is commanding well over a two-thirds majority in Parliament and four years after terrorism was eradicated under the political sagacity of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Mervyn says he had a chance to marry a Bandaranaike

Speaking at a specially convened news briefing on Friday, Minister Silva said that the former President should be aware that he possesses many secrets about the Bandaranaikes and would reveal them if compelled to do so. He even went to the extent of making personal remarks on Chandrika, her son and sister which could not be published due to its defamatory nature. "I have kept my mouth shut for this long but now I'm opening it and will continue to speak."

"I am not afraid to tell what I have to tell. She has forgotten that when the great S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike walked the aisle it was D.A. Rajapaksa who was beside him. She has forgotten what I remember," he said.

"The country today is not like what it was under her leadership. She never worked on time, the country was without electricity, experiencing long power cuts," he said.

"I won't betray people of this country. But I warn Madam Chandrika that my mouth is not very good. There are a lot of things that I have to say and if she tries to be too smart I will reveal everything. I'm not afraid," he said.

The Minister said that he even had the chance to marry a member of the Bandaranaike family."I'm saying this publicly, I had the chance to marry someone from the Bandaranaike family. But because I don't use the fork and spoon and because I'm a 'godey man' I did not take that chance," he said.

President says India should know its duty as a neighbour

President Mahinda Rajapaksa said he had not discussed with India with regard to its support for Sri Lanka at the UNHRC. "India must know its duty, as a neighbour..., as a friend of Sri Lanka. I can't dictate terms to India." He said in an interview with India's Hindu newspaper.

He said elections to the Northern Provincial Council will be held in September, as he had promised earlier. "Yes, we will hold the elections in September. That's why we have postponed the other provincial elections too.

I did not want to face the criticism that I was doing it only because I had no intention of holding the Northern provincial elections." The North would have powers which are "not more, not less" than those enjoyed by the eight other provinces".

On the coming US-sponsored resolution at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), President Rajapaksa said Jaffna was provided with all infrastructure facilities just three years after the war ended.

"Who did this within three years? Everybody who has come and seen it has talked about it positively and has commended us." Even India was harassed by the UNHRC over Kashmir, he said. "Sri Lanka is like a volley ball. Everyone is taking turns punching it to cover up their sins."

On the issue of a political solution for the Tamil people, he said that unless the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), an umbrella group of Tamil parties, joined the Parliamentary Select Committee, there could be no way forward. "Without TNA (on the committee), I will not be able to do anything... Earlier, all the leaders gave their solutions from the top. It has failed. The 13th Amendment has failed. Everything has failed," he said.

Murali and Malinga in new role

Illegal immigrants have always become a political issue in most countries. Tough measures implemented by Sri Lankan authorities have always impressed Australia. Hence, the two countries have worked jointly to curtail illegal migrants' issue successfully.

Sri Lankan cricketers Lasith Malinga and Muttiah Muralitharan have been chosen to front an Australian Government campaign to discourage asylum seekers from taking boat journeys to Australia. The 'Don't be sorry' campaign will target ethnic communities in Australia who often encourage other family members to use people smugglers to help them reach Australia, reported.

The campaign will air on radio, TV, and online and ethnic community newspapers in six languages, according to Immigration and Citizenship Minister Brendan O'Connor. O'Connor said the government wanted people to tell their friends and family about the risks involved in trying to reach Australia by boat, adding the lawful way is the right and safest way into Australia. Malinga and Muralitharan, who recently played in the Big Bash League, agreed to help because of concerns for their countrymen.

Malinga said in his message if people want to consider travelling to Australia, their message is do it the right way, adding don't be sorry you didn't tell you friends and family to do it the right way. Muralitharan said in recent years, hundreds of people have lost their lives making the journey to Australia by sea, adding if you want to travel, do it the right way, the safe way, and don't be sorry. News of the new campaign comes as asylum seekers continue to take the dangerous boat journey to Australia, despite the new no-advantage rule and the reintroduction of offshore processing.

Thilanga to contest SLC presidency

Colombo District UPFA parliamentarian Thilanga Sumathipala last week submitted nominations to contest the forthcoming elections of the country's richest sports governing body - Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC). His main rival for the top seat of the SLC will be incumbent president Upali Dharmadasa, who initially indicated that he would not seek re-election but changed his mind at the eleventh hour.

Sumathipala is no stranger to Sri Lanka Cricket, having held the prestigious position on several occasions. His path to SLC presidency could well be cleared even before the AGM scheduled for March 30, if the Sports Ministry upholds the protest against Dharmadasa.

Ervin Jayawardena of Kurunegala Sorts Club had raised objections against the nominations submitted by Dharmadasa stating that the incumbent President had not obtained prior approval of the Sports Minister.

When contacted, a senior Sports Ministry official confirmed that Dharmadasa's nomination was not accompanied by a authorisation letter from the Sports Minister which is mandatory for candidates who have not played in a major tournament conducted by the SLC, other than for the post of treasurer.

As Dharmadasa does not have first class playing experience, it is compulsory for him to obtain prior approval from the Sports Minister. If the protest against the candidacy of Dharmadasa is upheld, parliamentarian Sumathipala could regain the SLC top seat. However, objections were also raised against the candidacy of former Asian Cricket Council and SLC President Sumathipala.

The topic of SLC elections could well be the hottest topic in the weeks to come, even in the political circles as both the Government and Opposition politicians back their favourite candidates.

Medical tests for students before sports events

The second death of a student during a sports event was reported from Mawanella last week. President Rajapaksa was greatly worried after the disturbing news and discussed the matter with Education Minister Bandula Gunawardena.

He immediately instructed Minister Gunawardena to take measures to devise a methodology to check on physical fitness and the health condition of students participating in sports events.

The President made the directive following the recent incidents of deaths of schoolchildren while taking part in athletic events, especially marathons. President Rajapaksa also advised the Education Minister to obtain the assistance of several other ministries related to sports and health.

Accordingly, the Sports Ministry Medical Unit and Health Ministry will be directly involved in formulating the physical fitness checking methodology. Students will be checked by a doctor or a medical panel prior to taking part in sports events. Two female students from Chilaw and Mawanella died while participating in school sports events.

A 17-year-old girl collapsed and died while participating in a mini - marathon at her school's inter-house sports meet in Mawanella on Tuesday.

The victim, Anusha Kumari was a grade 13 Commerce student of Aranayake Rivisanda Central College. The incident occurred while she was taking part in the 5,000 metre race.

She was rushed to Mawanella Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. R D Kaushalya, 18, collapsed and died near the Chilaw town while participating in a school cross country race on January 30.

She was an Arts student at Ananda National School, Chilaw.

In another incident related to sports, a 13-year-old schoolgirl died while practising for a zonal sports meet on February 18. Anjali Isurika, a student of Gnaneswara Maha Vidyalaya, Villorawatte, Moratuwa. collapsed after complaining of a stomach ache during practices.

Ranil should be ashamed, says Prasanna

Western Province Chief Minister Prasanna Ranatunge said last week that Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe who could not even sight Jaffna during his time to sign the ceasefire agreement which betrayed the Security Forces is now able to go there and even stage a Satyagraha campaign because the government has been able to establish peace in the area.

He would ask Ranil whether he had no shame to perform Satyagraha for land rights when he did not utter a word for the land rights of Sinhalese and Muslims who were driven away from their homelands in the North and East by LTTE terrorists during their notorious ethnic cleansing program in the past.

The Chief Minister was addressing a meeting at the Colombo New Town Hall to mark the presentation of appointment letters to a batch of 276 persons recruited to Grade III of the Western Province State Management Assistants Service recently. Chief Minister Ranatunga and Western Province Governor handed over the appointment letters.

The Chief Minister said people in the North and the East and other areas were enjoying the fruits of freedom and democracy devoid of bomb explosions due to the self sacrifice made by war heroes to liberate the country from terrorism. Now certain sections were trying to take the President and the Defence Secretary who gave leadership to that humanitarian effort before an international tribunal in league with sinister international forces.

He said more than 10,000 persons had been recruited to the Western Province Public Service since the government assumed power.

In contrast the public service was severely pruned during Ranil Wickremesinghe's tenure as Prime Minister and all new recruitments were debarred. No one could be allowed to destroy the freedom country had gained with great sacrifice. The new recruits should render an honest and efficient service for the greater good of the nation," he said.

AI, HRW slammed over Channel 4 film

Sri Lanka strongly protested against the organisers of an Geneva event at which the so-called Channel 4 documentary No fire zone: the killing fields of Sri Lanka is being screened at the UNHRC in Geneva.

Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the UN Human Rights Commission Ravinatha Aryasinghe stated that the annual screening to coincide with the UNHRC sessions shows there is no real evidence in these movies.

If there was, there would be a reason to bring redress to victims fast, and the evidence will be out on a single occasion, and not annually.

He also said, "The government of Sri Lanka strongly protests against the efforts by the organisers of the event - Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Festival due Film et Forum International sur les Droits Humains (FIFDH), to use the UN premises for the screening of this film.Sri Lanka also strongly protests the perception that has been sought to be created in the public mind, through pro-LTTE websites, and by duping even better known media organs such as even the International Herald Tribune, which yesterday in an article quoted the Director of this film Callum Macrae as saying that the film "would be screened at the 22nd session of the Human Rights Council now under way in Geneva, where the United States plans to introduce a resolution asking Sri Lanka to investigate the allegations of war crimes by its army".



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