Today is International Literacy Day:
Reading to infants and toddlers, a joyful experience
By Lionel Wijesiri
If you are a young parent having an infant or toddler, have you ever
wondered if it is worth the effort to read to your child? The reading of
picture books with your toddler is one of the most important and
enjoyable ways of spending time together. The combination of pictures
and words is a close relationship, which echoes the relationship between
parent and child.
With a picture book the child looks at the pictures while the adult
reads the text. This leads to surprising and stimulating shared
conversations between the two, as text and pictures are explored and
pored over. In the best picture books there is often a mysterious gap
between the pictures and the words, a gap that is filled by the child’s
imagination More and more researchers are learning that reading to
infants and toddlers can be very beneficial. Sharing books and other
reading materials with toddlers at a young age can establish a strong
foundation for later literacy skills.
Here is a real-life experience. Suchitra, a one year old, is sitting
in his mother’s lap looking at a favourite board book. As the page turns
to a picture of a fire engine, his face lights up and he laughs with
delight as his mother imitates a siren. He reaches for the book and
turns the page himself to see the next vehicle, a police car. As he
looks at the picture his mother shows him a toy police car and says,
“Look, Suchitra! We have a car like that.” Together the mother and child
begin to push the police car across the floor, making engine noises.
The example above shows the joy both Suchitra and his mother share in
reading together. Suchitra benefits from the sense of closeness he feels
to his mother. He responds to the sound of his mother’s voice and the
comfort of being held. He learns from looking at the pictures, hearing
the sounds, and interacting with his mother. The mother helps Suchitra
make connections between the pictures in the book and the materials in
the room.
Toddlers who are read to consistently by their parents often begin
reading earlier than their peers. You can begin reading to your toddlers
from birth. The more you read, the more familiar with books and words
they will be. They will learn the basics, such as which direction to
turn the pages, at a surprisingly young age if they are exposed to books
early. This quickly leads to familiarity with the alphabet and lays the
groundwork for letters and word recognition.
Reading time is great bonding time. Time spent sharing books with
your toddler is perfect snuggle time. Your toddler will delight in this
special closeness and you will delight in his reactions at the stories
and pictures.
Reading to your toddler gives you an inside look at what he is
interested in. When children are little, the parents often pick the
books that will be read. But, as children get older, they develop their
own distinct preferences. From the time babies become verbal, they will
start requesting a particular, favourite book. The older a child, the
more specific the book requests become. A seven-year-old will often like
books by a particular author or books that follow a particular theme. A
toddler who likes dogs will often request that the same book about dogs
be read over and over.
This is a great way to indulge and support your children’s interests.
Toddlers who are read to develop a love of reading. A love of reading is
a lifelong gift to give to your toddlers. The pleasure of getting lost
in a good book is something that toddlers can experience with their
parents at a young age. As they get older, they will enjoy reading more
and more on their own, especially when enticed by books with favourite
themes. But they will still enjoy sharing a book with their parents.
Reading to toddlers helps to develop their imaginations. Having a
healthy imagination helps toddlers in their very important work of play.
Stories will add fuel to the fire of an already active imagination.
Toddlers will play out stories and enjoy pretending they are their
favourite story book characters.
How to do
So how can we help our toddlers develop that love? The key to reading
readiness during the toddler years is indirect instruction: This
involves introducing your toddler to books and print in a way that gets
him excited about the stories they contain. Basically, your job is to
show him that books are important - and fun! The best way to accomplish
this is by reading to him.
As early as six months, babies enjoy looking at simple board books
with pictures and labels. Between the ages of one and two, repetitive
and rhyming books are most likely to capture your child’s interest, and
between two and three, he’ll begin to enjoy books with more text and
simple story lines. Be sure to hold the book so your toddler can see the
pictures easily, and point to things that seem to capture his attention
when you read to him.
Alphabet books can help toddlers learn to isolate letters within a
stream of print, and many children can identify their own name by the
time they’re three years. A lot of toddlers can also identify the signs
and logos they see around them. If your toddler’s listening to stories
and looking at books and has some concept that printed words include
letters, he’s well on his way to learning how to read.
Talk to your toddler as you read a book. While you and your toddler
read together, try labelling objects on a page, talking about the
pictures, or taking turns telling the story. As you read, remember to
stop every now and then and give your toddler time to focus on pages
that are interesting to him. These interactions will also provide you
with a window into your child’s interests, fears, and wishes.
As you read, take your cues from your toddler. It is in order if your
toddler only wants to talk about the pictures or skip pages of the book.
To make stories more interesting, you may want to change words or
substitute the name of your child for one of the characters. What is
most important is that you and your toddler have fun as you explore the
world of books together.
Build reading into everyday routines. Whether it’s at nap time or
after dinner as a family, incorporating reading into daily events firmly
establishes reading as a part of your toddler’s life.
Reading to young toddlers builds a strong foundation for later
literacy skills. It is important to share books with each child, keeping
in mind the child’s level of development and interest. As the toddlers
grow and mature, the experiences you have provided when they were small
will help to build the skills they need to eventually become lifelong
Reading is an addiction that parents should encourage well before
their baby’s first birthday. The bonding experience is unbeatable. When
you read to toddlers, they’re getting your full attention, and that’s
what they just love. Nothing - no TV show or toy - is better than that.
This article is based on professional research papers presented at a
workshop on Early Childhood Education Teaching and Learning in UK,
recently. |