The importance of alms-giving
by Premasara Epasinghe
Bees extract honey from flowers. They do it without damaging the
colour and the fragrance of the flowers. Trees too bear fruit. In the
same way, the pious and silent sages and Bhikkhus, go about in villages
collecting alms, without harming anyone. It helps many people to gain
merit. The donors gain much merit and happiness in this world and
Kosiya, a rich miser lived in Sakkara a village close to Rajasaha.
One day, Kosiya and his wife were making pancakes in the upper-floor
of their mansion.
Early morning, the Buddha, through his supernormal powers realised
that Kosiya and his wife would attain Sotapatti, the first of the four
stages towards Arahatship.
The Buddha sent Bhikkhu Maha Moggallana to Kosiya's house. When the
Bhikkhu reached Kosiya's house, the rich miser asked him to leave. The
Bhikkhu however, did not do so. As he wanted to get rid of the Bhikkhu
Kosiya requested his wife to make a small pancake. When she put the
pancake into the pan it swelled into a big one.
Then, he asked his wife to offer one from the basket. However, she
could not take it, as the pancakes were sticking together. Kosiya lost
his appetite. Then, he offered the whole basket of pancakes which were
sticking together, to Ven. Maha Moggallana.
Then, the Bhikkhu delivered a sermon on the value of alms-giving. He
also informed them that the Buddha was residing at the Jetavana
monastery in Savatthi, about 45 yoganas away from Rajagaha.
Ven. Maha Moggalana then led them to the Jethavana monastery. They
offered the pancakes to the Buddha and the other Bhikkhus. The Buddha
delivered a discourse on the value of alms-giving. Kosiya and his wife
attained Sotapatti fruition after listening to the Buddha.
On the following day, the talking point of the Bhikkhus at the
assembly hall was centred around Maha Moggallana's act of helping Kosiya
and his wife.
The Buddha paid tribute to Maha Moggallana and advised the other
Bhikkhus, “Go forth to the villages like Moggallana, receive their
offerings and bestow merit on them irrespective of their health and
In conclusion the Buddhas uttered the following Stanza:
Yatha pi bhamaro puppham
Vanngandham ahetyam
Paleti rasamadaya
Evam game muni care
-Puppha Vassa-Flowers
As a bee collects honey from the flowers without harming its colour
or fragrance, so should the sage go about the village. |