Sampanthan-Rajapaksa meeting:
Milestone in reconciliation drive
by K.M.H.C.B. Kulatunga
TNA leader R. Sampanthan's meeting with President Mahinda Rajapaksa
on Friday could be an important milestone in Sri Lanka's reconciliation
drive since the eradication of terrorism.
A vegetable
market in the North, now flourishing following the return of
peace |
Women drying
fish in the sun to make dry-fish |
It was good to see Sampanthan deviating from his cry-baby attitude
and the habit of running to outside forces for solutions. As the
President has stressed time and again, no outside element or a foreigner
could have deeper sentiments for the people of Sri Lanka than our own
Hence, Sambandan's decision to meet the President and iron out
whatever the problems through dialogue is an important move.
Now that the LTTE is no more to threaten them or to take their lives
through bullet, Sampanthan and his TNA leaders should abandon their
separatist agenda and work with the Government for the well-being of the
Tamils in the North and the East.
The Government has reinstated democracy in the North after 23 long
years. The LTTE undermined the power of the ballot through bullet and
subjected people in the North to untold misery. Hence, Sampanthan and
other Tamil leaders must work closely with the Government to find
solutions to the problems of the people in the North and the East.
What is important is the aspirations of the people in the two
provinces and their well-being. Their expectations are far from what the
LTTE cohorts in the West dream. Tamils in the North yarn for a better
tomorrow with improved living standards and livelihood activities that
would strengthen their purchasing power.
They do not demand land or police powers as the LTTE rump in the
West. They are sick of the daydreams of the LTTE which only unleashed
agony. Sampanthan should understand this bitter truth.
The new chief minister-elect of the Northern Provincial Council, C.V.
Wigneshwaran is a moderate and educated person than most of the TNA
seniors. Though he has not lived in the North much, he is educated and
intelligent enough to read the pulse of the people in the North. If he
fails to make use of the golden opportunity he has got, Tamils in the
North would teach him an unforgettable lesson.
Moderate and peace-loving Tamils have a better impression on
Wigneshwaran than any of the TNA leaders. Hence, Sampanthan and his men
should not get carried away by the TNA's landslide victory at the
Northern Provincial Council (NPC) elections. Hence, it is the duty of
Wigneshwaran to meet those aspirations of the Tamils, without allowing
Sampanthan and his men to poke their fingers.
Wigneshwaran's victory does not mean that the people in the North
approve the separatist and racist agenda of the LTTE cohorts. People in
the North are not willing to go back to those dark and bitter days
again. Hence, it is the supreme duty of Wigneshwaran and other
newly-elected NPC councillors to work hard for the betterment of the
people in the North.
Wigneshwaran could well take the North back to its golden days again
if he works closely with the Government. He must cooperate with the
Government to usher a better tomorrow for the people in the North.
At the same time, Wigneshwaran should not keep faith on outsiders and
foreign elements. Whatever the problems are, he must make every effort
to solve them within the country through dialogue, without turning to
the West or neighbours. He could always speak to the President and the
Government in all matters to find solutions to problems of the people in
the North.
None of the Western godfathers of peace ever uttered a word of
comfort when Sri Lanka was at the receiving end due to barbaric LTTE
terror. Many powerful world leaders have often preached on eradication
of terrorism and for a worldwide attempt eliminate error outfits across
the globe. But only a few of them have demonstrated such practically.
Though some of the world leaders say that it was the obligation of
all leaders to speak out forcefully against violence and extremism, only
a few of them have sincerely acted with an honest desire of eradicating
terrorism. It is time that the world leaders translate their words into
action and proves their integrity and sincerity in crushing global
Championing the human rights of terrorists would only support and
encourage terrorist groups the world over. The UN Human Rights Council
should only respect the human rights of civilians and not that of
terrorists, either directly or indirectly.
Any further action against a sovereign state such as Sri Lanka at the
UNHRC would set a bad precedent and infuse fresh hopes for global
terrorism. The US-led resolution against Sri Lanka at the UN Human
Rights Council earlier this year only underestimates the Herculean
efforts of the Security Forces who risked their life and limb to
liberate thousands of civilians
When the Tiger terrorists mercilessly killed hundreds of thousands of
innocent people, hardly any of these godfathers of human rights were
there even to speak a word on behalf of Sri Lankans who had been at the
receiving end.
Bomb attacks
It is still fresh in people's memories how the LTTE terrorists
carried out some of the most brutal bomb attacks during this period of
time in previous months. The anniversaries of several brutal terrorist
acts of the LTTE fall this week.
Among them is the unfortunate incident in which a total of 25
Sinhalese passengers travelling in a bus were shot dead by LTTE cadres
along Pottuvi- Monergala Road on October 7, 1987.
The Tigers also killed five motorcyclists travelling along the same
route. On Oct. 9, 1988: Armed LTTE terrorists shot dead 44 Sinhalese
villagers and set fire to 11 houses in Mahakongaskada, Medavachchiya.
Certain countries in the West, who had kept mum against those
numerous LTTE atrocities for nearly three decades, now shed buckets of
crocodile tears over the Tamils in the North. They allege that there is
military presence in the North, without knowing the true ground
situation. They often exaggerate stories to pain a gloomy picture on Sri
True situation
But the recent observations by Lord Rogan of the United Kingdom is a
good eye opener to all those who level allegations against Sri Lanka
without knowing the true situation in the country. "During my visit to
all parts of the country, North, East, South, and West I was able to
speak freely and openly with ministers, government officials, religious
leaders, and most importantly ordinary citizens from all sections and
walks of life. What struck me particularly was that the military
presence in the North was substantially less than what has been often
portrayed," Lord Rogan said after his tour.
He expressed these views when he met President Mahinda Rajapaksa at
Temple Trees on Friday. Lord Rogan of Lower Lveagh, member of the
British House of Lords and Vice Chairman of the British - Sri Lanka
Parliamentary Group completed a seven-day fact-finding visit to Sri
Lanka. He is also a member of the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) of
Northern Ireland which is currently a coalition partner with the ruling
Conservative Party.
"Sri Lanka must be recognised as a country coming out of an armed
conflict spanning a thirty year period which cost around 100,000 lives.
Since 2009 much has been achieved in Sri Lanka - the government has
policies to achieve more. I was happy to note that there is religious
and ethnic harmony," he further said.
Snap judgements
Lord Rogan said that he found that peace has descended on this
pleasant land and that development and prosperity are continuing to grow
a pace. "Having lived in Northern Ireland during our troubles, I know
how easy and wrong it is for outside commentators to make snap
judgements (often - on poor and wrong information) on the situation in
our two countries. We suffered because of this - as you are doing today.
Commentators from the outside world should realize it takes time, energy
and commitment to achieve the ideals set out by the Sri Lankan
Government," Lord Rogan observed.
The Government has spent around three billion US dollars for
development of the North since the end of the conflict.
This is higher than what has been spent for the South. The type of
modern health and hospital facilities provided to Jaffna are available
only in few cities including Colombo in the rest of the country. Hence,
the allegation that the people the North are a discriminated lot is not
valid any more.
Lord Rogan has further said that the President, Government, and
people must be given both space and patience by the outside world to
fulfill their plans. The forthcoming CHOGM Conference is a golden
opportunity for Sri Lanka to show the true picture of life and the
country's progress after the terrorism was eradicated in May 2009.
Dialogue and Diplomacy are fundamental to the way forward for lasting
peace and prosperity. Lord Rogan has said that he has experienced many
examples of this during his stay in Sri Lanka.
His observations are food for thought to Navi Pillai and all those
who unreasonably level charges against Sri Lanka. |