Confidence and bravery, the hallmark of leadership
Leadership is not about what the leader is made of, but what he
demonstrates in day-to-day action. It is about how he or she builds the
confidence of everyone else.
Leaders are responsible for the big structures that serve as the
cornerstones of confidence and for the human touch that shapes a
positive emotional climate to inspire and motivate people. Confidence
alone worked in the old environment and we all benefited by practising
it. But times have changed, demanding finer, more aggressive and deeper
inner thoughts and skills to stay ahead of the game.
Consider the level and nature of competition and challenges today.
They are unpredictable, fierce, dirty and cut-throat. The conditions to
play the game are not the same.
Continue to nurture the skills you have depended on previously, after
all they have taken you this far. But think of new skills needed to
effectively deal with the changes. A sense of bravery gives you the
ability to confront the changed situations better.
'Physical bravery' is seen through body language, while 'moral
bravery' is not. It's the ability to act right in the face of popular
opposition. And both are equally important - one in isolation has little
Battle after battle is the reality in the business world - When will
we see the end of discouraging news and negative developments? - Never?
Defeatism is a natural feeling even when winning today, as the future is
uncertain. Leaders encounter harsh realities but can never show less
than sheer bravery and optimism in the eyes of followers.
The leader needs to project bravery for the team to share the same
feeling when approaching more aggressive battles for success.
A leader arguably should be quite an actor. Changing moods, balancing
emotions and sending positive signals to the team is a fundamental
requirement to build a sense of hope and confidence. This process has a
reciprocal effect - it helps the leader too, to stay on course.
Perhaps the leadership trait most admired by followers is bravery in
any situation. Followers like to see leaders think big and show courage.
This is a leadership trait most entrepreneurs have in spades. Bravery
is infectious and inspirational - and it works. History teaches us many
real examples of bravery. So its inherent in us but how many of us use
this trait to add something to life.
At the end of the day, leadership is about having the guts to make
tough decisions and making them work through people. If someone is
afraid to make and commit to decisions, all the communication and
empowerment in the world won't make a squat of difference.
Real power
Not only does bravery allow you to make the tough decisions that
people expect from a strong leader but it's reassuring to your
employees. As a leader, consider how well you deliver a speech at a
company forum. If you deliver it with bravery it inspires your team as
intended, but the same speech delivered with doubt becomes a point of
Any discussion on leadership without first addressing the internal
confidence of the leader in question is little more than window
Passion - No one will be passionate if you can't set a course for the
future with confidence. Communication - People don't listen to those who
are unsure of themselves and lack power. Empowerment - If you don't have
the internal fortitude to make decisions and commitments, then
empowerment is just an empty word. |