History of Scrabble
Who invented Scrabble ?
During the Great Depression, an out-of-work architect named Alfred
Mosher Butts decided to invent a board game.
He did some market research and concluded that games fall into three
categories: number games, such as dice and bingo; move games, such as
chess and checkers; and word games, such as anagrams.

Butts wanted to create a game that combined the vocabulary skills of
crossword puzzles and anagrams, with the additional element of chance.
The game was originally named Lexico, but Butts eventually decided to
call the game "Criss-Cross Words."
How did he do it?
Butts studied the front page of The New York Times to calculate how
often each of the 26 letters of the English language was used. He
discovered that vowels appear far more often than consonants, with 'E'
being the most frequently used vowel.
After figuring out the frequency of use, Butts assigned different
point values to each letter and decided how many of each letter would be
included in the game.
The letter 'S' posed a problem. While it's frequently used, Butts
decided to include only four 'S's in the game, hoping to limit the use
of plurals. After all, he didn't want the game to be too easy! Butts got
it just right.
His basic cryptographic analysis of our language and his original
tile distribution have remained valid for almost three generations and
for billions of games played.
The boards for the first Criss-Cross Words game were hand drawn with
his architectural drafting equipment, reproduced by blueprinting and
pasted on folding checkerboards. The tiles were similarly hand-lettered,
then glued to quarter-inch balsa and cut to match the squares on the
Then what?
Butts' first attempts to sell his game to established game
manufacturers were failures, but he didn't give up.
He and his partner, game-loving entrepreneur James Brunot, refined
the rules and design of the game, and renamed it SCRABBLE. The name,
which means "to grope frantically," was trademarked in 1948. The first
Scrabble "factory" was an abandoned schoolhouse in Dodgington,
Connecticut, where Brunot and friends turned out 12 games an hour.
The letters were stamped on wooden tiles one at a time. Later,
boards, boxes and tiles were made elsewhere and sent to the factory for
assembly and shipping. The first four years were a struggle. In 1949,
the Brunot's made 2,400 sets and lost $450. Then in the early 1950s, as
legend has it, the president of Macy's discovered the game on vacation,
and ordered some for his store. Within a year, everyone "had to have
one," and Scrabble sets were being rationed to stores around the
country. In 1952, the Brunots realised they could no longer make the
games fast enough to meet the growing interest.
As stories about it appeared in national newspapers, magazines and on
television, it seemed that everybody had to have a set immediately. In
1972, Selchow and Righter purchased the trademark SCRABBLE from Brunot,
thereby giving them the exclusive rights to all SCRABBLE Brand products
and entertainment services in the United States and Canada.
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