Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 17 November 2013





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Reminiscences of a people's President - Sunday Observer - Sri Lanka

Resurgence in the North

The Uthuru Jananee thermal power plant

The Northern Province, which had borne the brunt of terrorism for 30 long years under the clutches of the LTTE, is fast returning to its former glory as the hub of education and an economic nerve centre under several far-reaching programs that have been implemented under the Vadakkin Vasantham (Uthuru Wasanthaya) recovery program implemented by the Presidential Task Force (PTF).

The PTF was set up by President Mahinda Rajapaksa in May 2009, immediately after the military defeat of the terrorist outfit.

The Herculean task of re-building the province has been achieved through the multifarious programs for the overall re-structure of the region. The fast changing face of the province is authentic testimony to this achievement.

Many programs have already been implemented successfully, more are under implementation and some are in the pipeline. Many of the programs have been under the purview of the Ministry of Economic Development. The Government is spending the bulk of the funds obtained from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank (WB) and other international monetary organisations for the development of the province, mainly aimed at the socio-economic uplift of the people and their empowerment.

The Northern Province covers about 13.2 percent of the land mass of the country.

Its extent of 8,846.83 consists of five districts and the province is still predominantly an agricultural region having crops, livestock and fisheries as pivot Sub-sectors.

The province nearly has one third of the country's coastal area and around 250,000 ha of cultivable land and most of these resources are accessible to the people to engage in economic activities.

Although the contribution to the GDP from the agricultural sector had declined during the period of terrorism, it has steadily increased since May 2009. Agriculture, including fisheries and animal husbandry, which is the mainstay of the economy has shown marked growth and the growth rate has now reached a positive phenomena, resulting in a much higher per capita income than the Rs. 159,000 in 2010. During the years 2009-2012, Rs.17,1233.44 million was allocated under the Vadakkin Vasantham program for the development of basic infrastructure and livelihood facilities for the resettled families.

Provincial administration

The provincial administration also implemented programs under its five ministries viz:

The Ministry of Local Government, Relief and Rehabilitation, Cooperatives, Rural Development, Industries, Social Welfare and Probation and Child Care Services, The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development, Lands, Irrigation and Fisheries, The Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine, The Ministry of Education, Cultural Affairs and Sports and The Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Reconstruction.

More equipment to develop the North under Vadakkin Vasantham (Uthuru Wasanthaya)

This is the seventh year of operations since the creation of the Northern Provincial Administration and development works have encompassed multifarious sectors such as Local Government, rural development, cooperatives, industries, social service, probation and child care services, relief and rehabilitation, inland fishing, agriculture, animal production, land administration, irrigation, health, indigenous medicine, education, sports, cultural affairs, road development, housing, buildings and reconstruction.

The total investment for 2013 for the different sectors of the provincial administration is a staggering Rs.12,1613.29 million (recurrent), according to official sources of the Northern Provincial Administration. Apart from this, the total investment on Criteria-based Grants (CBG) is Rs. 195 million, the Provincial Specific Development Grants (PSDG) is Rs. 1,030 million and other grants, Rs. 2662.7 million which includes UNICEF fund allocations.

The sectoral-wise break-up of the recurrent amount of Rs. 12,1613.29 million is Rs. 1,574.79 million for administration, Rs. 140.39 million for agriculture, Rs. 140.39 million for animal production and health, Rs. 196.25 million for irrigation, Rs. 59.17 million for land, Rs. 5,803.18 million for education, Rs. 33.954 million for sports, Rs. 2,535.71 million for health, Rs. 88.65 million for indigenous medicine, Rs.13.06 million for infrastructure development, Rs. 64.80 million for building, Rs. 91.10 million for roads, Rs. 914.97 million for Local Government, Rs. 106.39 million for cooperatives, Rs. 53.53 million for industries, Rs. 264 million for social services, Rs. 50.47 million for probation and child care and Rs. 62.82 million for rural development.

Entrepreneurs from many countries are visiting the province to explore the investment potential. One entrepreneur has decided to develop the island sector as a tourist destination under a mega project which will offer direct employment opportunities to 25,000 and indirectly to many more. He will develop the Kayts, Mandativu and Kerativu offshore islands with golf courses, tourist hotels and facilities for the passenger ships to come direct to the tourist sites.

The Mandativu offshore island, which has one of the best bird sanctuaries in the region, will also be developed to form part of the tourist attractions.

It is a mega project to be completed at a gradual pace of over 10 years, according to Government tourism industry sources.

There will be five industrial zones, each 25 acres or more in extent. The Achchuvely Industrial Zone is already nearing completion and has many industrial complexes.

These will ultimately be entrusted to the people through their organisations. President Rajapaksa and Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa, who is in charge of the PTF for Northern Development, are fully committed to the recovery of the province to its former state.

The first phase of the Kankesanthurai harbour development project is already completed and the second phase has started. With the completion of the third phase, the Northern Province will have an international standard harbour and ships will come direct, contributing to the economy of the province.

Displaced persons

Almost all the displaced persons, numbering 353,400, have been resettled in their original places of residence and have returned to their traditional professions.

The relief and rehabilitation assistance extended to them included six months' dry rations, non-food relief items, kitchen utensils, a shelter grant of Rs. 25,000, 12 roofing sheets, eight cement bags, agricultural tool kits, two bushels of seed paddy per acre, subsidised fertiliser, land preparation payment of Rs. 4,000 and transport facilities.

Rehabilitation of access roads, restoration of power supply, rehabilitation of major and minor tanks, rehabilitation of canals and culverts as well as rehabilitation and recommissioning of irrigation facilities were among the main infrastructure facilities that were provided for the livelihood of the displaced families.

Services provided included rehabilitation of administrative offices, hospitals, maternity homes, schools, cooperative outlets, agrarian services, post offices, banks as well as restoration of clean drinking water facilities.

The GDP growth rate was recorded as the highest in the province at 27.1 percent in 2011. Paddy cultivation in the North in 2011 and 2012 had recorded the highest yield in the country. Production of crops, fisheries and other livelihood sectors have gradually increased and the market for agricultural products has expanded. Per capita income rose to Rs. 200,000 in 2011 as against Rs. 159,000 in 2010. This trend is progressively on the increase.

Under the Northern Province Governor's special scheme, displaced students returning from battle zones were allowed to continue their studies in the universities after going through a Government procedure applicable to the displaced and ex-Tigers.

The scheme was launched in 2010 and of 424 students, 189 were selected for the scheme under which each student gets assistance for the university academic year until the completion of the course of study.

Total expenditure on the implementation of the scheme was Rs. 7.98 million in 2010, Rs. 3.63 million in 2011 and Rs. 3.97 million in 2012.

There are 42 registered children's homes that are functioning with monetary assistance and monitoring by the Government (Department of Probation and Childcare). Also, there are 14 unregistered homes.

There are 502 schools functioning in the Jaffna district (three zones), 110 schools in the Kilinochchi district (one zone), 117 schools in the Mullaitivu district (two zones), 202 schools in the Vavuniya district (two zones) and 129 schools in the Mannar district (two zones). Rs. 2.8 million was invested to improve the educational sector in the years 2009 - 2012. About 695 school buildings were either reconstructed or repaired. Lab facilities have been provided to 28 schools under the Mahindodaya program.

Over 80,000 students received recreational kits, school bags, free uniforms, books and meals. About 86,202 pieces of furniture for students, 2,200 for teachers, 206 steel cabinets, 12 pieces of lab equipment, 482 computers, Rs. 100 million worth of library books, Rs. 20 million worth of sports material and 105 musical instruments were provided to the schools. Temporary accommodation for teachers was provided and 100 laptop computers were distributed among selected students who performed well at the GCE (A/L) examination.


Preschools numbering 1,642, attended by 48,252 children, are functioning with Government assistance. Of the 2,890 preschool teachers, 1,847 are getting a monthly allowance from the Government while 840 teachers have received in-house training. Infrastructure facilities have been extended to 99 preschools and 447 teachers completed training as diploma holders in preschool education.

In the All Schools Games and Athletics Competition, participants from the Northern schools won 11 medals for games and 24 for athletics.

In the health care sector, four District General Hospitals, three Base Hospitals (Type A), six Base Hospitals (Type B), 54 Divisional Hospitals and 34 Primary Hospitals are functioning. The newly constructed medical wards, surgical wards and medical officers' quarters at the Base Hospital, Chavakachcheri was opened recently. The cost was Rs. 150 million. Rs. 4,814 million was spent during 2009 - 2012 to improve the health sector.

Major health institutions numbering 237 were reconstructed or renovated at a cost of Rs. 2,250 million. Nearly Rs. 1,300 million worth of medical equipment was provided to all hospitals in the province, including to medical institutions in the resettled areas.

Most of the quarters for medical officers, nursing officers and other staff were reconstructed at a cost of Rs. 500 million. Thirty-one ambulances, eight single cabs, three mobile dental vehicles, two mobile spraying units, two mobile health vehicles, a 52-seater bus, a drug lorry, an ambulance boat, 30 motorcycles, 150 scooters, 385 bicycles and eight generators were also supplied to health institutions in the resettled areas. The total cost was Rs. 450 million.

In the Mannar DGH Division, a special child care unit was constructed and equipped at a cost of Rs. 25 million. A paediatric ward complex in the Adampan DH area was constructed at a cost of Rs. 40 million.

The foundation stone for the Base Hospital at Mulankavil in Oddusuddan was laid and the initial cost is estimated at Rs. 100 million. Nursing officers numbering 163 were appointed. Three ambulances, one each to the Mullaitivu General Hospital, Mullaitivu Base Hospital and Periyapandivirichchan Divisional Hospital were supplied.

The new office of the Regional Director of Health Services for Mullaitivu was constructed at a cost of Rs. 39 million.

For reducing malnutrition among lactating mothers, pregnant women and infants below two years, a program at a cost of Rs. 300 million has been implemented. Construction work on the four-storey, 200-bed ward at the General Hospital, Vavuniya was started at a cost of Rs. 187 million.

The Ministry of Economic Development supplied CT scanners to the DHC, Vavuniya at a cost of Rs. 56 million.

A multi-facility building complex at the Teaching Hospital, Jaffna was recently opened by President Rajapaksa at a cost of Rs. 2,600 million.

Agro-machinery, equipment and tools were supplied to farmers in the resettled areas. Over 320,603 kg of seed paddy and large quantities of subsidised fertiliser including MOP, urea and TSP were also supplied to the farmers.

The Regional College of Fisheries and Nautical Engineering was established in Jaffna in October 2011.

Local services improvement programs, at a cost of Rs. 3,626.44 million, was implemented under funding from the Ministry of Economic Development. Of the 34 Local Government bodies (MCs, UCs and PSs), 32 elected bodies are functioning.

The Local Authorities renovated rural roads, cleaned wells, provided sanitation facilities and renovated buildings at a cost of Rs. 2,620 million.

Under the Pura Neguma program, roads were renovated, water supply facilities reconstructed and market buildings were constructed at an expenditure of Rs. 1,019.42 million. Under the Local Government improvement project (rehabilitation of roads, buildings and purchase of machinery), Rs. 463.3 million was spent.

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