Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 5 January 2014





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Hail 2014

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.”

Carl Sandburg
(1878-1967), US poet

We call it the New Year, but in stark reality, it is the oldest celebration of man.
Billions of years ago, in the vast, solar-dominated space, a whirring fiery orb appeared. Passing ages cooled it down. The pace of the spin slowed. Layer upon layer upon layer of thick, slimy primordial soup smothered its surface. Long ages were followed by longer eras. The thick warm cover stirred. Life emerged. It proliferated and ramified into multiple forms and species. Apes evolved into ape-men.

These species inherited the planet, now cool and fertile, rich with life-sustaining food.


Proto-humans assumed supremacy over the earth’s animal realms. While other beasts and birds went through life untroubled by memories and emotions, the primitive humans experienced emotional quivers.

They developed feelings towards the world around them.

When nature was kind and beautiful, providing them lavish sustenance, they felt a pleasant sensation inside. The warbling of the winged varieties, as they flitted swiftly around, touched their inner beings strangely. The streams and rivers conveyed the refreshing liquid, emitting their gurgles and rhythmic roars. They spoke a primordial language to the hearts of these primitive men and women.


The world of green trees and creepers, greeting them with their blossoms and fruits, elicited a responsive sensation from those early humans. Perhaps, those proto-humans did not recognise at that time, that all those sensations they experienced, spelt their spontaneous joy of life. They took part in the life-enhancing parade of nature, with an undiminishing glee.

But, eventually, the joyous mood of the proto-humans changed, yielding to a wide-spread gloom. This attitude of depression came about, when the earth fell silent, depriving man of his accustomed food supply. Gripped by vast grief, he began to lament and mourn.

Unfailing nature came to his rescue. Spring ushered in sustenance. Joyous days were back. Man rejoiced at the invigorating renewal of life’s enriching parade.

New Year joy thus became the oldest celebration of mankind. The unceasing pageant of nature that prodded man to indulge in New Year festivities goes on and on, presenting the cycle of seasons.

Perennial drama

Nature’s perennial drama has now brought on to the world stage, the brand new 2014.

Ironically, there is hardly anyone, among those billions that ushered the New Year 2014, dancing, drinking or carousing gregariously, who spared at least the minutest of thoughts, to the origins of this festival celebrated at global level in our day.

In most instances, New Year festivals of the modern world represent the alienation of humans from the sustaining bosom of mother nature.

Rituals are multi-faceted. But, the central meaning is lost.

But, it must be said, of course, that there is a highly salutary aspect to the cosmopolitan celebrations of the New Year.

All these take place at midnight on December 31. Although time-measurements change from zone to zone, the moment is identical - midnight on December 31.

Cultural norms

Over and above this New Year, that is dictated by the universally adopted cultural norms, most countries and national entities have their own New Year celebrations.

These add picturesque chapters to mankind’s popular celebrations. But, what is really essential at New Year, is to give this recurring universal ritual a wholesome meaning.

In the Roman calendar, the God who dominates the first month (January) of the year is the two-faced deity Janus.

Man is asked to assess the past and take a futuristic vision as the New Year dawns.

Over and above all that, the New Year is the moment to treasure the value of time given to each of us. As Carl Sandburg avers poetically and philosophically, time is the coin of one’s life. New Year asks each of us to determine how best we could spend this precious coin, for our benefit and for the well-being of all.

Hail 2014, the bright new coin, gifted to us by time!



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