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Sunday, 19 January 2014





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Prophet Muhammed's religion

The unity of God. The most fundamental teaching of Prophet Muhammed is the first article of faith – Belief in the Oneness of Allah – ‘Laillaha Illallah’ - There is no God but Allah – This cherished magnificent phrase is the chief formula of Islam.

If this ‘Kalima’ is uttered without any clear understanding or conviction, that hollow action cannot produce a true Muslim. It is this unquestionable belief in the Oneness of Allah and His Sovereignty that makes a believer bow in humble submission to his Lord and Creator. It is Islam in it's all encompassing declaration – ‘The Kalima’ that negates all other Gods as worthy of worship. ‘Lailaha’ – ie. There is no God – nothing in this wide universe possesses divine attributes or authority that deserves worship and submission. He is Allah the Lord of the Universe.

Masjidun Nabawi

He has no partners nothing or none is associated in His Divinity. This is what ‘Illallah or but Allah means'. ‘Allah’ is a word which has no comparison – for which a plural cannot be found nor has it a gender; In Arabic ‘ilah’ means One who is worshipped! You add the definite article in Arabic ‘Al’ to ‘ilah’ – and the word Allah is formed – The One and Only God. In English we use ‘the’ for one and only things – the sun, the moon etc. Not ‘the deity'.

Do we? So, naturally the fundamental belief or ‘Iman’ which proclaims there is no deity but Allah explains it all to those who convincingly accept this lofty doctrine in Chapter 16 Verse 51 of the Quran. “Take not ‘ilaahain’ (two Gods in worship). Verily, He Allah is the only One Ilah (God) “ilahun wahid”.

Similarly the 112th chapter is a Glorious testimony to the Unity of God. “Say: He is Allah the One, Allah the Eternal, Absolute. He Begets not nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him” (112) The deeper you probe, your faith opens the door to vast vistas of knowledge taking you closer to Allah and His Beautiful Attributes.


When one's faith in the Oneness and Sovereignty of God is unshakably established he can fully grasp the meaning of Tawheed. With immense self-respect, he refuses to bow down to any power nor beg for his needs. When a person while diligently working addresses his plea to Him his Sustainer he knows that Allah is the only One who compels people to help him if his prayers are sincere and earnest. A true believer will not be haughty and arrogant.

Haven't we often seen people who boasted of their hard working hands and ability alone suddenly struck by unforeseen calamities! Man must, strive, at the same time remember God. This trust in Allah will not make a believer feel conceited, for he knows that what he achieves is not due to his effort alone but there is a benign and Benevolent God who grants people's prayers.

At the same time according to the Prophet supplication, man must realise that none can withhold or prevent anything if Allah decides to bestow someone something. Similarly that none can bestow which God hindereth. Isn't this the Prophet's prayer after every obligatory salat? Such staunch faith will not persuade to take offerings to deities or protecting friends to ward off evil or hold on to superstitions. Such ‘shirk’ has no place in his life and mind. Man who believes in the Kalima - “Laillaha Illallah” knows that he has to struggle and endeavour fairly and righteously and Allah will bestow His favours as He Wills.

Such faith will not lead him to base acts like bribery and underhand activities to achieve his goals. Jealousy will not eat him away nor will the fear of death, as he believes life and death are ordained by his Lord. All the forces on earth cannot take away his life before that preordained time – whatever the cause of death may be. Such is the strength of a mumin's faith in the Lord of the Worlds.


Allah the Omnipotent is sought by all who seek His Mercy, Help and Guidance. He is a Super Being. He is there but not for us to see. Our intellect and faith are too limited to perceive the Majesty of Him. He is not the God of Muslims alone. An intervals Allah has revealed to His Prophets Religious Codes and Commandments to guide mankind – and in the Quran. Allah commands the Muslims: “Say we believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq, Yaqub.... to Musa, Isa ....” (2:136).

Allah also confirm that from the time of Adam with the creation of man itself that His revelations started and was perfected with the Quran the Final Book sent to the seal of the Prophets – Kathamun Nabi. “ He (Allah has ordained for you the same religion (Islamic Monotheism)” and “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion”. (5:3).

It is an oft-repeated proclamation of the Quran that several religions were revealed. As such Islam insists on the fundamental principles of believing in all the religions. Isn't this a basis for International peace and goodwill?


Islam the Arabic word is derived from two root word's salam meaning. Peace and ‘silm’ – which means surrender. So Islam is submission to the Will of God and be at Peace with the Creator and His creations.

There is no compartmentalisation of secular and religious spheres – There is no room for distinction of race, colour, creed, caste, material wealth by virtue of the common God – The creator of all these diversity. Allah in His infinite Knowledge and Mercy could have known that peace is the panacea for all ills which will be in great demand before the destruction of the world.

It is an undeniable fact that religions of the world Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism had their beginnings at a certain point of time or period, but Islam began as a religion from the entry of man into this universe. That is with the creation of man itself, Allah bestowed Islam as a religion on him and was asked to communicate it to his descendants.

According to the Quran all the Prophets, the 12,400 of them came to preach the same religion. The Quran commands in chapter 2:136 “Say O Muslims We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq.... to Musa and Isa (Jesus) and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord”. (2:136) Thus no Muslim can deny Moses, Jesus or any other Prophet – for he declares his faith by saying that he firmly believes in Allah's Books and the Rasools.

Whatever the period, whoever The Prophet the religion revealed has been the same. The Quran affirms “Truly this your Ummah is one religion and I am your Lord. Therefore, worship Me” (21:92) Worship of One God signifies that God alone is to be worshipped. Worshipping any other thing or seeking their help is termed 'Shirk’ in Islam. The phrase worship is often misunderstood.


The ritual act of praying at appointed hours takes only about half an hour or so. All other activities of man, looking after his parents, his family his health, service to fellow beings and hordes of service done according to the accepted laws are worship if done with love and fear of God.

The tenet “Thee do we worship and to Thee we turn for help” does not allow plurality of God as emphasised in 16:51 of the Quran nor expect man to be idle at the same time. He should lead an active righteous life in society through which he can win the pleasure of Allah. “There is nothing for man but what he strives for.” (53:29).

But it was not to be so. With the passage of time steeped in ignorance, man abandoned his guidance and started to worship the sun, moon, fire and idols. 'Shirk or partnership appeared. This was the era when Adam's progeny had spread to many parts of the world – forming different nations and races: At this juncture Allah began to raise prophets among every nation to remind them of the Oneness of Allah, of course the codes and teachings of various prophets may have varied according to the needs of that society.

These 12,400 prophets were not sent to divide the human race into warring elements and factions. The same fundamental idea to do good and shun evil was embodied in every religion preached through various prophets of different ages.

All the prophets who brought this message were subjected to unbearable torture and persecution. Prophet Muhammed the last of them suffered the worst physical torture and mental pain. Despite all oppressions he persisted with the message to convince the ignorant of that era.

At that period the world was not a global village equipped with information technology to educate and root out the ignorance and folly that prevailed.

That may be the reason people in far corners of the globe developed religions and rituals to seek their needs or mutilated the existing ones. Some believed in polytheism. The ancient Persians believed in two Gods – one good and one for evil. Others in a continuous cycle of future life and many other such views.

But it is doubtful whether man could have realised the Ultimate Reality with his limited knowledge and wisdom. So God in His Mercy sent prophets to whom He had imparted the true knowledge of things and life. In the Quran Allah Says in 2:31 “And He taught Adam, the Nature of all things.” So man to gain such belief in the unseen God, Prophets or Messengers were the only medium.

To be continued

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