HNB posts Rs 7 b PAT
Last year was one of the most challenging years faced by the
financial services industry with demand for credit remaining low,
margins coming under pressure, asset quality continuing to deteriorate
and declining gold prices affecting the pawning business.

HNB Managing Director and
CEO Jonathan Alles |
Hatton National Bank (HNB) has successfully weathered the challenges
as demonstrated by its credit growth of 16.8% which is well over the
industry growth of 8.8%, above industry interest margins, NPA ratio of
3.6% compared to 5.6% for the Banking sector and pawning NPA of 1.1% for
the Bank against the industry average of 12.7%.
Interest income which is by far the largest contributor to the Bank's
total revenue grew by 18% to Rs. 55.7 billion driven by the aggressive
credit growth achieved by the Bank.
While the high interest rates witnessed during major part of 2013
also contributed towards the growth in interest income, the interest
write-offs from pawning advances had an adverse impact. Interest
expenses increased at a faster pace of 24% during the year, thereby
compressing margins. The growth of 13%, in deposits coupled with higher
interest rates resulted in the surge in interest cost.
Despite the drop in margins the Bank posted a 11% growth in net
interest income to achieve Rs 24.3 billion as a result of the strong
balance sheet growth.
Fee and commission income witnessed a 16% year-on-year growth, driven
by fees from card acquisitions, remittances, guarantees and trade income
despite overall slow down in international trade during the year.
The revaluation loss on swaps that were obtained to hedge exchange
risk created due to foreign borrowings increased by 11% to Rs 1.8
billion. This is a reflection of higher swap costs during 2013 compared
to 2012.
Net gain from financial investments of the Bank increased by Rs 159
million due to higher dividends received during the year from its equity
investments in the available for sale category.
Other income of the Bank mainly reflects exchange gains from customer
transactions and revaluation of foreign currency borrowings.
The higher depreciation of the Rupee in 2012 compared to 2013,
resulted in a lower revaluation gain, resulting in a decline of 24% in
other income compared to the previous year.
The total operating income of the Bank stood at Rs 28.6 billion for
2013, reflecting a growth of 9% over 2012.
The Bank marginally improved its NPA ratio to 3.64%, by end of 2013
compared to 2012, despite adverse conditions experienced by the
industry. The provisions increased to Rs 3.2 billion largely due to the
decline in gold prices, which in turn has resulted in maintaining a
healthy provisioning cover of 62.5%.
Accordingly, the net NPA for 2013 improved to 1.37% compared to 1.82%
in the previous year. The NPA calculations are based on time based
provisioning method as per CBSL guidelines.
The overall operating expenses dropped by 1% due to an18.5% reduction
in personnel expenses largely on account of the reversal made with
regard to the Employee Share Benefit Trust. Other expenses increased by
14.5% mainly due to higher investments made to upgrade technology.
The cost to income ratio for 2013 reduced to 47.8% indicating an
improvement, compared to 53.0% in the previous year.
The financial VAT increased by 33% to Rs 1.7 billion in 2013 whereas
the corporate tax expense increased by 28% to Rs 3 billion.
The effective rate for VAT and corporate tax increased to 40% from
32% in 2012.
In 2012, the Bank had a substantial amount of tax reversals which
resulted in the effective tax rate being substantially low compared to
The Bank's Profit before VAT and Tax grew by 5% to Rs 11.7 billion
while net profit after tax declined by 7% to Rs 7 billion.
HNB Managing Director and CEO Jonathan Alles said, "During 2013 we
crossed the Rs 500 billion mark in assets and achieved a PBT of Rs 10
billion notwithstanding the challenging conditions experienced.
Other group companies including HNB Assurance PLC, Acuity Partners
and Sithma Development (Pvt) Ltd performed well with profit growth of
11%, 169% and 37%. The Group posted a net profit of Rs 7.8 billion for
The Bank proposes a final cash dividend of Rs 7.00 per share in
addition to the interim dividend of Rs 1.50 per share declared in
December 2013 resulting in a total cash dividend of Rs 8.50 per share
for the year.
The Capital adequacy of the Bank remained strong with the tier I
capital ratio at 12.95% and total capital adequacy ratio at 16.52%
through internally generated funds and tier II capital raised through
subordinated debenture issue.