Nenasala set up at Agalawatta
The 750th Nenasala set up at the Bellana Sri Dharmapala Maha Pirivena
in Agalawatta in the Kalutara district was opened by President Mahinda
Rajapaksa parallel to the centenary commemoration of the Pirivena
The President also launched the web-site of the Maha Pirivena.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Plantatiion Industries Minister
Mahinda Samarasinghe, ICTA Strategic Communications Director
Athula Pushpakumara and Education Minister Bandula
Gunawardena at the Kalutara Agalawatta Bellana Sri
Dharmapala Maha Pirivena at the launch of the 750th Nenasala
and the Maha Pirivena website. |
"This Nenasala is not only for the Pirivena but also for the children
of the area. When the pirivena is improved the village is improved; when
the village is improved, the country is improved," said President
The 750th Nenasala was set up in pursuance of the 'project for
setting 1,000 Nenasalas islandwide', a concept of the President.
"This Government has done more for Pirivena education than any other
Government. It has increased the student's subsidy. Action will be taken
to improve the standard of Pirivena education," he said.
"Today in this country there is freedom of movement, expression and
living. We have created an era where everyone can protect his life. But
we are pressured to answer why we brought about this era. We know that
when we look at the happenings in the world today, anyone could have
different views and political wants.
However, we must sink differences and give priority to the
motherland. At a time when the motherland is threatened, it is the duty
of everyone to stand on behalf of the motherland putting aside all such
personal agendas".
Education Minister Bandula Gunawardhana, Plantation Industries
Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe, Ports and Highways Project Minister
Nirmala Kothalawala, ICTA CEO Reshan Dewapura and ICTA Strategic
Communications Director Athula Pushpakumara were also present.
ICTA CEO Reshan Dewapura said Nenasalas (wisdom outlets) had become
not only rural information technology centres but institutions close to
the people.
They bring universal knowledge to the people and carry out many
modern information technology services. |