Mihin Lanka trainee First Officers take wing
Mihin Lanka, Sri Lanka's low cost carrier, has cleared four Trainee
First Officers, who were part of the third batch of pilot cadets
inducted in July 2013, to fly as full-fledged pilots within six and half
months, well ahead of the scheduled eight months. Two more pilots are
due to follow suit before the end of March
Chief Pilot - Training and Standards, Mihin Lanka, Capt. Themiya
Abeywickrama said, "This achievement has been made possible by the
talented and dedicated young pilots of our third batch, and the
commitment of SriLankan Airlines resident simulator instructors and
Mihin Lanka's Instructor Captains who have shared their expertise with
the new batch of pilots."
"Team work and dedication were pivotal for achieving this milestone.
We leveraged on the ADAPT interview process by Alpha Aviation UK, which
tailor-made the interview process for the qualities we were seeking in
our third batch of cadets," he said.
"We are pleased with the results as it demonstrates the company's
agility in responding to evolving trends in the marketplace to ensure
sustainability of operations," Capt. Abeywickrama said.
The selected candidates needed a Commercial Pilots Licence from the
Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka. After the candidates were
selected by the ADAPT aptitude process, they underwent a six week stint
at the Ground School.
They were introduced to working systems on bigger and modern
airplanes. Thereafter, they started on the Type Rating Course, which
included simulated flight training for approximately six to eight weeks.