Learn to draw by Tissa Hewavitarane
Painting fishing boats on the beach
If you are interested in painting the sea, you will be attracted to
boats, which is a part of it. The beauty and their shape and strong
colour make an absorbing and detailed study. This painting is of a broad
beach with a rock in the distance. A warm late afternoon light
illuminates the beach. The two boats provide the subject.
Many people have a fear of drawing and painting boats. If you go
about in a logical way, boats are no more difficult to draw than
anything else.
First, understand the basic form of the boat, which is the same
whether they are big or small. Do not worry about small details,
concentrate on the proportions. Try to draw the essential curves of the
boat. There are two natural hazards in painting boats.

In water, the boat swings a lot so that they seem to be constantly
changing shape, but you have to be patient, the one you are painting
will soon come back again to the angle you want.
The other hazard is that boat owners are some times very
inconsiderate to the needs of the artist and want to sail off in them,
usually in the middle of a painting. Unless you really know how to draw
them do not ever try to put in a boat quickly from memory in an
otherwise empty lake, river or seashore.
Study the painting related to this article. First make a fine pencil
drawing to locate the boats and provide some indication of its
proportions. Then add a light wash indicating the sky and surrounding
warm colour of cloud and beach, working on a damp ground.
It is important to do an overall light wash with raw sienna and a
little mixture of Prussian blue, as it cannot be introduced later. The
warm tones of sienna and brown and sharp turquoise blue of the boat
provides attention and helps to project the boats back into the middle
distance of the picture.
Lay in cool shadow under the boat with Prussian blue over brown. The
painting should have a sense of depth at this stage, if the values are
in the right relationship to one another and also in overall context.
Apply thick washes of burnt sienna mixed with Prussian blue to create
the shadow areas under the belly of the boat. Then lay in the blue bands
on the side when the rest is dry and pick out fine detail with a small
Boats are found in all shapes and sizes divided roughly into two
classes, working boats and pleasure craft.
The old fishing boats bear character and dignity and the yachts with
their graceful curves for the drawing use Kent 180 gsm/90 lb. Colours -
raw sienna, brown madder, sepia, Prussian blue using sable hair brushes
No. 9, 2 and 1. |