Ministry to come down hard on'raggers'
by Manjula Fernando
The Ministry of Higher Education has decided to be harsh on
university 'raggers' and oust all undergraduates who engage in ragging
and harassing freshers in university .
The Ministry Secretary Dr.Sunil Jayantha Nawaratne, said the students
use the freshers season to take psychological control of undergrads, by
spreading a fear psychosis as a tactic to select members for certain
political parties. Ragging by and large serves this purpose, he said.
"There is intense competition between the JVP and their breakaway
fraction Front Line Socialist Party to lure new members during the
fresher season, and this is totally unacceptable."
He said the students fall prey and serve as guinea pigs carrying
placards and taking part in protests that further agenda's of these
political parties as they gain psychological control over the
Ragging in universities remains a prohibited and a punishable act
under the Anti Ragging and Child Protection laws in the country. But the
authorities have been slack in implementing these laws so as not to
deprive students of a higher education. "But in future, we will not
hesitate to apprehend anyone engaged in the act of ragging and their
studentships will be withdrawn and sent home after court proceedings,"
the Secretary said. The Ministry has introduc
ed a hotline 1918 to inform incidents of ragging taking place in
universities or elsewhere if it involved university students.
They can also send short messages/ text messages to 0777862230 to
report such incidents.
The Ministry vows to protect the callers identity and the complaints
can also be made anonymously. The decision has been taken in view of
maintaining a zero ragging policy in universities and also in the
backdrop of the incident where a Peradeniya university undergraduate, a
key witness in a brutal ragging case committed suicide recently.