Police continuing probe on excise shootings
by Kurulu Kariyakarawana
Police sleuths are wondering whether the shots fired at the houses of
the Excise Commissioner General Wasantha Hapuarachchi and OIC Bureau of
Special Operations Rosmand Fernando were over a personal vendetta.
Two separate investigations conducted by the Negombo and Mirihana
Police Divisions under the instructions of the Deputy Inspector Generals
in charge of the Western Province South and the North were handed over
to the Colombo Crimes Division(CCD) yesterday. A special team of the CCD
which commenced investigations have visited the two crime scenes
yesterday and obtained a detailed report sources said.
Detectives suspect whether a notorious underworld drug kingpin and
his supporters are responsible for the shootings at the two houses in
Pamunugama and Rukmalgama last week. Police are also considering
facilitating special protection for both officers, whereas police night
patrol teams already operate in the respective areas. This was the
second time shots were fired at Excise Inspector Rosmand Fernando's
residence within a couple of weeks.