The Bhikkhuni of Devdaha city
by Premasara Epasinghe
In Buddhist literature, there were nine Bhikkhunis who attained
Arahathhood after listening to senior Bhikkhunis who had already
achieved Arahathhood. They were Sundarie, Chitta, Sukka, Uttama, Uttara,
Chanda, Vijaya, Isidasi and the Bhikkhuni of Devadaha.
Bhikkhuni of Devdaha was a domestic aid employed at the palace of
Prajapti Gotami, step-mother of Prince Siddhartha. After the demise of
Prince Siddhartha Gauthama's mother Mahamaya King Suddhodana married
Prajapathi Gothami and left Devadha for Kapilavastu. The maid, too
followed her mistress. She supervised the other maids in the palace and
looked after Prince Siddhartha and Prajapati Gotami's son Nanda.
The maid who came from Devadaha to Kapilavastu was heart broken, when
Princes Siddhartha left the palace and lived an ascetic life. Added to
her woes, her beloved mistress Prajapati Gotami also left the palace to
become a Bhikkhuni. The maid felt lonely. She was also keen to enter the
Bhikkhuni's order.
The identity of the Bhikkhuni of Devadaha is not mentioned in
Buddhist literature, but she was known as the Bhikkhuni of Devadaha.
The old maid, met Dhammadinna and introduced herself to her.
Dhammadhinna ordained her as the "Bhikkhunis of Devadana City". She was
taught the Dhamma and meditation. But the old Bhikkhuni was unsuccessful
in her meditation.
She was unable to focus her mind on meditation. She knew her problem
and met Dhammadhinna who advised her not to think about her past, but to
master her own mind. "Try to control you mind, meditate and strive hard
and achieve arahathood."
Dhammadhinna advised her to meditate first on Pathavi Kasina
meditation on earth element and solidity and proceed to Uggaha Nimitta
learning Sign, follow up with Pathibhaga Nimmitta - counter sign and
Upachara Samadhi - Access concentration. The old bhikkhuni from the city
of Devadaha city reached Apanna Samadhi and gained "one pointedness mind
known as Citta Ekaggata". Then her exercise was diverted to meditation
known as fire calm meditation on fire element known as Tejo Kasina and
finally water element cohesion titled Apo Kasina.
Then her past recollections disappeared. Ultimately the old Bhikkhuni
from the city of Devadaha achieved arahathood by concentrating on
Theri Gatha "Verses of Joy" says,
"I gained the knowledge of the divine eye with the knowledge of
magical power. I obtained higher knowledge. Now I am fully liberated."