People's Bank re-locates branches

Left: Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa opens
the Trincomalee branch. (Right): The Minister unveils the
plaque at the Mutur branch. |
A three-storeyed building for the Trincomalee branch and the two-storeyed
building for the Mutur branch of the People's Bank were opened recently
by Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa.
The new branches will have state-of-the-art-technology and superior
banking services.
The two branches will offer an array of loan facilities, pawning
services and safety deposit lockers and 24-hour PET ATM facility.
Governor of the Eastern Province, Mohan Wijewickrama, Eastern
Province Chief Minister Najib Abdul Majid, Economic Development Deputy
Minister Susantha Punchinilame, Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs,
Deputy Minister M. K. A. D. S. Gunawardene, M. S. Taufeeq MP, Eastern
Provincial Council Chairman Mrs. W. G. S. Ariyawathi Galappaththi,
People's Bank Chairman Gamini S. Senarath, Chief Executive Officer and
General Manager N. Vasantha Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, People's
Leasing and Finance, D. P. Kumarage, Trincomalee Regional Manager O. K.
D. R. Wasantha, Trincomalee Branch Manager K. Selvarajah, and Mutur
Branch Manager, S. M. Razim were also present. |