SLSBC conducts networking session
A joint networking evening was organised by the Sri Lanka-Singapore
Business Council (SLSBC) of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and the
Singapore (Sri Lanka) Club for members to interact among themselves, the
Singapore expatriate community in Sri Lanka and senior officials of
Government institutions relevant to business.

From left: Committee Member (Singapore Club), J. S. Ong, CCC
official Ms. Harshini Fernando, Overseas Realty official Ms.
Nirupa Peiris, Director General, KOTRA Colombo, Weoncheol
Koh, Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Singapore in
Sri Lanka, Jayantha Dharmadasa, Group GM of Prima Group, B.
C. Tan, President, SLSBC, Shamil Mendis, Vice President,
SLSBC, Rohitha Mendis, of A. Baur and Co. official Janaka
Gunasekera, Deputy Director of Commerce, Department of
Commerce, Ananda Dharmapriya, Minister Commercial
(Designate), Sri Lanka High Commission in Singapore, Ms.
Vireshika Bandara and Vice President, SLSBC, Prajeeth
Balasubramanium. |
The event was held at the Prima Tower. Over 70 members of the SLSBC
and Singapore Club were present.
Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Singapore in Sri Lanka,
Jayantha Dharmadasa, representatives of Prima, Overseas Realty, APL,
Singapore Airlines, Keppel Land, Singapore companies, senior officials
of the Department of Commerce, the Export Development Board, the Board
of Investment, representatives of the Korean Trade and Investment Agency
(KOTRA) and the trade representative from the Indonesian High Commission
were also present.
Chairman and Managing Director, Spear International (Pvt) Ltd and
President of the Sri Lanka-Singapore Business Council, Shamil Mendis,
the committee of the SLSBC and the President of the Singapore (Sri
Lanka) Club Micky Sim welcomed the members.
The Sri Lanka-Singapore Business Council was inaugurated in 1997 as
the 18th bilateral Business Council under the aegis of the Ceylon
Chamber of Commerce.
The prime objective of the Council is to promote trade between Sri
Lanka and Singapore and facilitate investment by Singapore companies in
Sri Lanka. The SLSBC with the support of the High Commission of Sri
Lanka in Singapore and the Singapore Business Federation (SBF)
Singapore's apex and largest business chamber, will send a business
delegation to Singapore in June.
The Singapore Business Federation with a membership of over 16,000
hopes to hold a seminar on Business Opportunities in Sri Lanka in June
followed by a business matchmaking and networking session.
Several delegations from Singapore are expected during the year. The
first delegation due next month will focus on finding partners in the
area of water solutions.