Ra-Blue goes all out to fix Love-Slave
Ra-Blue and his inner circle were overjoyed when Doo-lanja-Lee was
questioned over a forged currency racket.
They felt that it was the best opportunity to tame Saa-jeet, the
Love-Slave and exerted pressure through the media to fix his sister.
Ra-Blue instructed Gem Wije to carry banner headlines in his family
newspapers so that it would reflect badly on Love-Slave.
Green rebels meet today
Love-Slave and his Green reformists have planned a tit for tat act
even before the PC polls results could be released.
They have arranged a meeting at a secret location in Colombo today to
decide on the course of action to be taken after an imminent You-En-Pee
Love-Slave told his Green rebels that they should not compromise and
go all out to expel Ra-Blue.
Atta-Leader takes on Hooray
Krishy Hooray who has been taking the upper hand and ignoring Atta-Leader
from the day he took over the Green media unit, panicked when an
internal survey predicted a landslide victory for the betel leaf.
Hence, he proposed Atta-leader's name to address the media after an
impending defeat for the Greens. But an irate Atta-Leader lashed out at
Hooray and refused to make the "same mistake" again.
Senior Bell Boys isolate Lull Kanth
A notable feature in the Bell Boys election campaign for the PC polls
was the internal battle for preferential votes and the seniors keeping
away from Lull Kanth's campaign in Colombo. Lull Kanth continued to go
solo, sending SMSs with pleas to vote for him.
Hence, the senior Bell Boys did not throw their full weight behind
the party's campaign in Colombo. |