Five-year-old girl spends day at wrong school
Mar 29 XCTV
Officials at an upstate New York school district say a kindergartner
spent a day at the wrong school after getting on the wrong bus.
Schenectady (skeh-NEHK'-ta-dee) city school district officials say
the series of mistakes began Wednesday morning when the 5-year-old girl
boarded the wrong bus, which was driven by a substitute driver.
At the school, teachers were expecting a new first-grader and asked
the girl if she was that student. The girl said she was and spent the
day answering to the no-show first-grader's name.
The mistake wasn't discovered until the kindergartner's mother called
her school to report that her daughter didn't get off the bus that
afternoon. School officials say they located her a short time later. The
district says it's re-examining its bus and new student procedures. |