Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 18 January 2015





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

 Short Story

Murder culprits

Tennyson was in a world of his own. He was enmeshed in a whirlpool of thought. He was thinking how to carry out the assignment he has been entrusted. If he carries out the work, will he get caught?

But he was promised that he would be helped to leave the country. If he did the job, he would benefit and so he was tempted to carry out the act, even though he was frightened.

If he did the job, he would inherit a colossal amount of money. He was swallowed in this thought when his wife's voice shattered his reverie.

“From the time you came you're thinking. What're you thinking about?”

She kept the cup of tea on the stool by his side and went in. Tennyson took the cup of tea, sipped the tea little by little and again sank into a reverie. He remembered the first day he met Pamel at Viharamahadevi park. That was almost 20 years ago. He was buying ice cream from a street vendor, when Pamela appeared there.

She too bought ice cream; a little bit of ice cream from her hand fell on his shoes.

“Oh! I'm sorry, excuse me, ok?”

“It doesn't matter; don't worry about it. A small incident like this gives us an opportunity to talk to each other.”

Tennyson replied and winked at her with an enticing look. Pamela smiled and blushed.

“May I know your name?”


Tennyson ventured to ask. That is how their friendship started, then blossomed into a love affair and culminated in marriage 20 years ago. Pamela was a wealthy girl and inherited properties from her parents.

She had the lion's share of the properties and so she was the main shareholder; her brother and her husband small shares in the properties.

However, Pamela was not prepared to apportion the shares of the other two as she did not want to sell the ancestral properties.

The other two needed money but Pamela delayed the process of disposing the properties.

This inordinate delay was the crux of the matter for this conspiracy.

Tennyson was completely lost in thought. He was confident that his brother-in-law would protect him from all troubles. He wanted to do the job and again he thought how to do it. He was capricious in his decision.

The front door bell rang and pierced his reverie. When the door was opened there stood his brother-in-law Rex. They both went to a bedroom and closed the door for privacy.

“Tennyson, what's your decision on my plan?”
“I'm in two minds, to do or not to do. What if I get caught?”

“Nothing to worry, I'll look after your safety; after doing the job, you go underground and then leave the country.


You don't have children do you? I'll see to your expenses.” Rex assured him.

Tennyson was hesitating; he was fidgeting and was thinking; he remained silent for sometime and wanted time to give his consent.

“Tennyson, look here; if we don't take any decision, we'll never get our shares. Pamela is my sister and your wife. But if we get rid of her, we both will benefit.” “So what should I do, Rex?” “We must get rid of her.” “What do you mean, Rex?”

“We must kill her.” Tennyson's eyes goggled in surprise. “Kill? How to do that?” Rex explained to Tennyson that he should feign sickness and take treatment from a doctor for a month or so.

Thereafter on the pretext of seeking medical attention, he should go abroad. There should be no bloodshed in the act of killing because weapons are not used. Tennyson silently listened to his brother-in-law's instructions.

“I know of a good doctor. From tomorrow itself you meet him and take treatment for an imaginary stomach ailment.

You can go for a month or so and get the medical record of your case from the doctor for treatment abroad.” 'That sounds fine, The other thing is no weapons. Then how to kill without a weapon?”

Tennyson queried.

“On that day I'll be with you. You try to put a few drugs into her cup of tea, so that she may fall asleep soundly. Then you must suffocate her by strangling her nech and blocking her nostrils. Remember to use gloves.”


“After that what's the next step?” “On the same night we lock the house and leave from here. You'll stay in an abandoned house of mine in the village for a few days. Your flight is already booked.

On that day I'll send you to the airport by a hired cab. We'll not leave any tell-tale sign of the killing. Then there's no way of getting caught.”

As agreed upon the job was done to perfection. During the next two days the house remained closed; this aroused the suspicion of the neighbours.

The milkman who delivered the milk found nobody came to get the milk; the two days’ delivery of newspapers remained in the open verandah untouched. Following the complaint, the police visited on the third day after the ghastly murder and made inquiries from the neighbourhood.

They went from house to house, questioning the people but they could not give any clue to help the police except Tennyson Perera's immediate neighbour Jimmy Rabilat who said that he saw Tennyson and his brother-in-law leave the house three nights ago about 11.30 p.m. or midnight in a white car.

“So were you up by then Mr.....?” The police Inspector questioned.
“Usually, I go to bed very late.” “What's your name?” “Jimmy Rabilat.”
Mr. Jimmy you know the registration number of the car?”
“ZL 5060 white colour Toyota.”

“Were you able to read the number in the dark?” The inspector questioned.

“At that time the front light of the house was on. In fact I was inquisitive to know who the midnight visitor was, when I heard the rev of the engine of the vehicle and the creaking sound of the gate being opened. I peeped through the window ventilator and saw the two people.


The house of Tennyson was barred. The police broke open the front door and entered the house. A horrible odour emanated from the house; in one of the rooms they saw the decaying body of Pamela; blue flies were hovering about. The body was despatched for an autopsy.

Having made discreet inquiries from the motor vehicle Registration Department, the CID officers found that the car with the number ZL 5060 belonged to one Rex Senaj.

They traced his residence. On the morning of the fifth day after the murder, a convoy of CID officers visited the residence of Rex Senaj at Narahenpita.

“We're CID officers, we want to talk to you,” said the Chief Inspector. Rex's face turned pale.

He thought that the cat was out of the bag. He recomposed himself and invited them in. “You're Rex Senaj?”

“Yes”. “What's the relationship you've with Tennyson Perera?”

“He's my brother-in-law.” “That means he's married to your sister?” Questioned the Chief Inspector. ”Yes, he's married to my sister Pamela.” Rex managed to trot out a reply, wondering what would be the next question.

“Do you know what happened to your sister?” This question was a bombshell to him. “No I know nothing.’ Did you visit your sister recently?”

“Now where's your brother-in-law Tennyson?”
“ bro.. brother-in-law? He...he..we..en...went-ab-abroad.”

He stammered in his reply.
“When did he go?” The inspector had eye contact with Rex, “and by what flight?”
“Yesterday by KLM 21flight to USA for medical treatment.”

The team of CID inspectors got in touch with the airport authority and got the passenger's name and the flight details, it was confirmed that Tennyson's flight was due in the evening that day.


The CID inspector turned to Rex Senaj.
“You're lying, your brother-in-law is still in the country.” Rex Senaj was crestfallen.
“The White Toyota bearing No ZL 5060 is yours. Isn't it?” “Yes, it's mine.”

“You said you didn't go to your sister's house. Your car was seen five nights ago in your sister's house. You're conning. Your sister is murdered. So you're a suspect.”

Tennyson Perera was aboard the KLM 21 flight bound for the USA . Only a few minutes remained for the flight to take off. He was safely ensconced in his seat and had tied the seat belt. He thought that the had overcome the biggest obstacle to leave the country through the skulduggery of Rex.

Time had flitted fast; there was hardly five minutes for the flight to take off, when an announcement was made requesting the passenger Tennyson Perera to disembark the flight.

No sooner this announcement was made than two armed policemen stormed the flight and escorted the passenger to the Airport Investigation Unit, where he saw his brother-in-law Rex behind a cell.

They were culprits of the murder and were grilled by the CID officers.

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