Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 18 January 2015





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Political pressure made my job stressful – SSP Ajith Rohana

Police Media Spokesman Ajith Rohana is probably the much-talked Police officer in the recent times. He went an extra mile, as we have always felt, not only to improve the reputation of a department known for corruption and malpractices in the region but also to meet the demands of a decade-old regime alleged to have indulged in breach of law and order. His mechanical tone of responding to sharp questions by the media even earned him the nickname ‘Police Parrot’ (Parrot of the Police). Yet what he had to say about all these was quite alarming. In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Observer for the first time he divulged, how he had been tremendously pressurised by the previous regime to manipulate the truth.

Excerpts of the interview.

Q: Many times the public felt that you were going against the pitch of the people. Did it affect your conscience?

A: Every time I make a statement in respect of the police, I had always revealed the truth.

I have not hidden anything from the public. If a police officer has done a wrong thing I had always revealed it.

Every time I had made a correct statement and as such I never repent. I have never gone against my conscience. I have always told the truth.

Q: Was it a part of your duty or did you feel that you should parrot the government's views even if it was wrong?

A: Actually you may have heard the voice cuts I made during the election period. Have I ever made any wrong statement? Once I made a statement about a number of government politicians who were arrested. 25 UPFA politicians were arrested including the Deputy Minister Nishantha Muthuhettigama and Southern Provincial Councillor Ajith Prasanna. They were all government politicians, but I made statements against them.

And every time when there was a unlawful thing I had never made by statement in favour of the government. I have the ‘guts’ to make a statement even against the government if it is true.

I never spoke only on behalf of the government although I was the official media spokesman of the Police Department. So nobody can't call me a parrot.

Q: Are you aware that the public were wary of whatever you said?

A: Yes, sometimes people say that they don't accept the things I say. This was much evident on various social media websites where people have expressed their concerns over the statements I made. But it is not everyone who would not accept or hesitate to accept what I say. Some people are very optimistic about these statements whereas others are pessimistic. So it is correct, because I don't think the general public has to accept whatever I say as they hold different views. They should accept the facts after their own research and only by listening to various other views and opinions. Being a lawyer I also value opposite views and defensive opinions.

It does not necessarily have to be optimistic but pessimistic opinions are also welcome. Therefore, I respect the offensive versions as well.

Q: Have you been given specific instructions to toe the government line or will you be free to tell the truth and nothing bur the truth, because we at the media feel that this should be so if you are to command public respect?

A: Well, no one is guiding me. When I was appointed the Police Media Spokesman the Inspector General of Police instructed me to tell the truth and give our police version. Apart from that no one is guiding me as I am solely independent in performing my role as the police spokesman. When I receive information I cross-check and double check from several sources. Then I analyse them to understand whether any potential harm would be done to the society if such information is released to the public. Then only this information will be released to the media to be conveyed to the public. Therefore, I must say that no one passes down orders or guide me to perform my duty.

Q: So you mean to say that there was no pressure whatsoever on you in performing the duties?

A: Of course, there was pressure from the political hierarchy not to reveal certain things. The latest example was an attempt by a group that tried to paste posters in Bloemendal area which led to a clash with the police who ordered them to stop. Responding to a telephone call by one of the poster-pasting men, six vehicles carrying a mob stormed the venue and tried to shoot at the police with firearms. The incident was later settled but I had received the information immediately. There were several attempts being made by the then political hierarchy to prevent me from announcing the incident to the public. But I revealed the entire incident.

Likewise on many other instances I was immensely pressurised, not by the IGP but by certain individuals or officials higher than the IGP. Against the pressure not to reveal the truth that might embarrass the government politicians, I had always revealed the truth to the people.

Similarly there were instances where certain higher-ups tried to influence me to give out false information regarding certain ongoing police inquiries and investigations involving both opposition and government politicians, to gain some mileage.

Due to the sensitivity of two such high profile cases I cannot divulge the details as the investigations are still progressing.

But I openly say that political hierarchy of the previous regime tried to influence me to give out false information that would be gravely disadvantageous to the opposition politicians especially in the run up to a Presidential Election.

That time President Mahinda Rajapaksa was in power but I never gave any false information as influenced by certain top officials.

Q: What are your duties under the new government?

A: Still I am functioning as the Police Media Spokesman which is a very hectic job. I receive about 200 to 300 phone calls a day and have to give the same piece of information to over 50 different media institutions. I do not wish to continue my duties as the spokesman in the future as it is a very hectic job. I have already made a request to the IGP to grant me a transfer.

Q: How is the new government's approach to the law and order situation?

A: President Maithripala Sirisena has categorically said that no one is above the law. Law and order situation will be restored, especially the rule of law. Our task is to ensure security and safety of the people without any interference.

Q: Has the Department received fresh orders from the new government to strictly safeguard law and order in the country?

A: Yes, everyone especially the IGP has been instructed to ensure the security and safety of the public and to enforce the law impartially without any prejudice. We have been instructed to take stern action against anybody including politicians who will try to interfere with the police in its duties.

Q: What are the immediate steps to be taken to maintain law and order in the country?

A: You know there are certain recent cases where local politicians committed grave offences having engaged in violence. Some were absconding. So we are taking steps to conclude investigations in respect of all election-related incidents and to apprehend the suspects who were involved in election malpractices and other incidents.

We have recorded 475 cases of violation of election law and have identified 40 important cases where the suspects remain in identified. We are going to appoint special teams to identify and arrest these offenders.

Even in cases prior to the election we could not fully commit ourselves as many officers were deployed for the election duty and the Pope's visit. But now all police officers at the territorial level will be ordered to arrest suspects who are on warrants irrespective of their status or political affiliations.

Q: Are there any imminent changes and transfers in the police top brass?

A: There are no such changes or transfers decided so far.

Q: Any ongoing major inquiries against senior police officers with allegations of corruption or professional misconduct?

A: I cannot say. There are suspects in custody already for various crimes and unlawful activities including election violence and violation of election laws.

Q: What is the new criteria for VIP security by police?

A: It will be formulated in the near future. Since there are fresh orders to withdraw military from the VIP security divisions, how the new VIP security units should be composed by using only the police is yet to be decided on.

New guidelines will be discussed and introduced and we are now formulating them.

It will comprise the police and its paramilitary wing, the Police Special Task Force.

Q: Do you feel that you have truly carried out your duties according to your conscience and protected the good name that the police service had in the past or did you flout it for career prospects?

A: Actually, I believe that I have done my best to the Department as the Police Media Spokesman. I believe that I created a good image among the people. I love the police and I love being a police officer and I am very proud of it.

Q: Did you set a god example for other police officers to emulate since you are a senior Superintendent of Police?

A: Yes, of course. When I joined the police I had completed three higher academic degrees. I have completed my LLB, my LLM and I am an Attorney-at-Law.

What many officers complain nowadays is that whilst being in service they cannot follow any course or sit an exam or do further studies. It is just a myth. With all my duties and responsibilities I am committed to my education as well, dispelling all the myths. Sometimes the public feel that the police officers are not well educated and could not perform their duties properly.

This has been proved wrong and I have changed that image and set an example.


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