Modi visit:
End in sight to Northern fishery dispute
by P. Krishnaswamy

New Talaimannar Pier Railway station
With the two day landmark state visit of Indian Prime Minister
Narendra Modi concluded yesterday marking another significant milestone
in bilateral relations between the two countries, it is a pressing need
now, more than ever, for the two countries to diplomatically sort out
the thorny fishermen's cross-border issue to the mutual content of the
'Brothers at Sea' across the Palk Strait, political sources told the
Sunday Observer. Interestingly, the Northern fishermen's federations
which originally wanted to stage a protest demonstration against the
decades-long and unending poaching shelved that decision in appreciation
of the Indian PM's first ever visit to their area and, instead, handed
over a representation to him insisting on such a diplomatic handling of
the issue by India for the mutual benefit of the two sides. Fisheries
Minister of the Northern Provincial Council (PC) Balasubramaniam
Daniswaran handed over the representation on behalf of fishermen's
federations at Talaimannar yesterday during PM Modi's visit to flag off
the segment of the train service from Medawachchiya to Talaimannar, the
rehabilitation work having been completed under the Indian line of
PC Minister Daniswaran told the Sunday Observer that he had submitted
representations to the Indian PM insisting on the need for 50,000 more
houses for the conflict-affected Northern people under the Indian
housing program, mutual diplomatic measures to amicably resolve the
poaching issue and rehabilitation of infrastructure facilities,
especially the road network to interior areas of the province.
The Northerners got only 40,000 houses out of the 50,000 houses
earmarked for them under India's housing program since 10,000 houses had
been given to the people living in the central hill country, he said.
Meanwhile, the meeting between the Northern fishermen's
representatives and their Indian counterparts originally scheduled for
March 11 in Chennai but postponed on account of the Indian PM's Sri
Lankan visit has now been fixed for March 19, Secretary to the State
Ministry of Fisheries, N.M. Hettiarachchi told the Sunday Observer.
He said that the Fisheries Ministry has proposed the date to India
but is yet to be confirmed. Indian High Commission sources said that the
date has not been confirmed up to now by the respective ministries in
India. President of the Mannar District Fishermen's Association, Justin
Soysa said that their delegation will comprise representatives, one each
from fishermen's unions in Jaffna, Mannar, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu,
Puttalam and Trincomalee.
Incidentally the talks were to begin 25 days ahead of the annual 45
-day respite for fish breeding from April 15 to May 31 which is very
earnestly observed by both sides, fisheries sources said.
The Northern fishermen who had borne the brunt of the three-decades
long conflict, foregoing their livelihood and almost reduced to
destitution, were denied the sole right to their traditional fishing
grounds even after the conflict ended in May 2009, due to the
decades-long, 'easy-going' and unending poaching from across the Palk
Government to Government talks and discussions between
representatives of the fishing communities of the two countries were
held repeatedly beginning from the 2004 (CFA period ) and the requests,
on behalf of the Sri Lankan fishers, basically were on restricting
Indian fishers from undertaking destructive practices which have been
banned in Sri Lanka such as bottom trawling which destroy fish breeding
grounds and baby fish, purse-seining (a method of fishing where shoals
of fish are rounded up and caught using a purse-like net), pair trawling
(trawling with two boats) and fishing too close to Sri Lankan shores, in
specified areas.
These practices have contributed to severe depletion of marine
resources on the Sri Lankan side of the International Maritime Boundary
Line ( IMBL ) and destruction of breeding grounds. An over-sized trawler
fleet of 5,300 boats of Tamil Nadu lies at the heart of the conflict and
have become progressively dependent on Sr Lankan waters.
Overfishing and the destructive methods of fishing have posed a
threat to the livelihood of the over 100,000 fisher families of the
Northern province.
As against the number of Indian trawler fleet, the Northerners have
2,300 OFDRP boats, 597 Vallam/Katamarans, 102 Theppam, 173 long line for
OFPR boats, 1,093 OBM (Outboard Motor Boats) and about 15,000 net units.