First BOI-approved LPO in Lanka
Ironwood Legal Solutions (Pvt) Limited signed an agreement with the
Board of Investment (BOI) for the first BOI-approved Legal Process
Outsourcing (LPO) company in Sri Lanka. Ironwood Legal aspires to become
the largest LPO in Sri Lanka.

Highways, Higher Education and Investment Promotion Minister
Kabir Hashim presents the BOI Certificate of Registration to
CEO and Group Director Ravi Abeysuriya. Chief Operations
Officer, Candor Shared Services Ltd, Shazil Ismail looks on. |
Candor Group Director and Chief Executive Officer and former Managing
Director of Copal Amba, Ravi Abeysuriya said, "Sri Lanka is fast
emerging as one of the world's leading IT-BPO destinations, particularly
in the Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) space. Sri Lanka offers
world-class talent that is highly adaptable, English speaking and with
strong work ethics."
"Sri Lankans are known to be friendly, highly productive, creative
and adapt fast to different cultures and environments," he said.
"The LPO industry has historically been dominant in countries such as
India, Philippines, Latin America and parts of Eastern Europe and the
LPO industry is expected to grow by US$ 2.42 billion globally by 2015,"
Abeysuriya said.
Ironwood Legal Solutions (ILS) will employ LLB qualified
Attorneys-at-Law in Sri Lanka to provide e-discovery and litigation
support services to law firms and legal departments of US and UK-based
Fortune 500 companies.
ILS was launched with an anchor client in the United States.
Working at ILS, will give young lawyers in Sri Lanka an opportunity
to acquire international exposure in litigation for top international
clients. The lawyers joining ILS are trained by US attorneys, enhancing
their knowledge and providing them with skills to work with
sophisticated clients anywhere in the world. |