Expolanka wins runners-up award

An Expolanka official receives the award. |
Expolanka Holdings PLC won the runners-up award in the Diversified
Conglomerate category for the second year at the ACCA Sri Lanka
Sustainability Awards presented by the Association of Chartered
Certified Accountants (ACCA) Sri Lanka Liaison Office.
The ACCA Awards honoured 14 business entities in seven categories for
its commitment to transparent reporting and disclosure of environmental,
social or sustainability information within the country.
"Sustainability is part and parcel of all our business endeavours. We
are just as committed to transparent disclosure which led us to adhere
to the GRI4 guidelines in reporting our sustainability strategy and
practices," said Head of Marketing, Corporate Communications and CSR,
Paddy Weerasekera.
"Our sustainability strategy covers a wide range of areas including
environmental impact, social responsibility, IT governance and human
capital development. This award is an honour and a tribute to our
sincere efforts," he said. |