Armoury against life’s slings and arrows
In this Digital Age poetry has lost its glamour. Gone are the days
when students had to study On Freedom’s Way, Plate of Gold and a host of
other poetry anthologies as a part of the school curriculum. Today
poetry is read and taught minimally as if it is something not worth
studying. Speak to any doctor, engineer or accountant and you will be
surprised to learn that none of them have read poetry.
Five decades ago, students had not only to study poetry but also
memorise them. Today nobody wants to memorise anything because you have
access to anything under the sun by pressing a key on the computer. In
the past, there were teachers who could recite even long poems by heart.
A few of them who could do so today may be in their 60s or 70s.
Modern educationalists will object if somebody suggests that students
should learn poems by heart. They would say that it is an outdated
practice. But they do not realise the advantages of learning poetry by
rote. Unknown to modern teachers, reading poetry is a wonderful way to
spend your time. Learning poetry by heart is even a better way of
spending your leisure.
Committing some poems to memory is not a waste of time or an attempt
to revive an outdated practice. When you memorise a poem, you will add
it to your storehouse of knowledge. You will also naturally absorb the
most beautiful expressions, words and poetic language. Such a practice
is hugely rewarding and it is a skill worth cultivating an any age.
It is true that you cannot learn all the poems by heart. What must be
committed to memory are only those poems that have a lasting value. At
the beginning, you will not know whether a poem is worth remembering.
For this you should cultivate the habit of reading poetry. After some
time, could select what is good and worth committing to memory.

Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life. - William
Hazlitt |
Knowing poems by heart means that they will become a part of your
consciousness. This can never be replicated by calling them up on a
small screen. Most western countries have now realised the value of
memorising poems. Yet the techno-savvy younger generation is hard to be
convinced. They must be taught the educational advantages of learning
poetry by rote. Those who do so will have an enhanced vocabulary.
Unique library
The renowned literary critic John Walsh likened learning poems by
heart to having your own private “internal iPoems library”. It’s about
owning someone else’s words, but making them part of your life, your
thoughts and your heart. By learning poems by rote, you will have your
own unique library for life.
In modern times poetry is confined to the classroom. Most students
read poetry only to pass examinations. After passing examinations and
finding employment, most people give up reading poetry. Only a very few
people read and write poetry on a regular basis. Some newspapers
encourage budding poets by publishing their poems. However, newspaper
editors are not happy with poems they receive for publication. Most
poems appear to be doggerels.
The few poetry fans know that poems are their personal armoury
against the slings and arrows of life. When your love is unrequited, you
can turn to poetry for consolation. Sometimes our hopes are dashed to
the ground. We lose our valuable possessions and loved ones. we become
terminally ill or meet with an accident. Human life is full of such
vicissitudes. If you are a poetry fan, you will know where to turn for
If you are ready to learn a poem by rote, choose a short poem at
first. It must be something you love. Add it to your mental furniture.
Read the poem several times to get a feel for it. and then start
memorising line by line until you can recite it from memory.
There are many poems you can learn by heart. The choice is yours.
However, here’s a little poem penned by Wendy Cope for anyone to read
and remember.
My heart has made its mind up
And I’m afraid it’s you.
Whatever you’ve got lined up,
My heart has made its mind up
And if you can’t be signed up
This year, next year will do.
My heart has made its mind up
And I’m afraid it’s you.
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