Value of trees
have a long history even before living beings were created. Trees grew
rapidly near the sea coast and later in the internal parts of the
coastal areas. Trees are useful to us. We cannot live without trees
because they supply oxygen to living beings and also carbondioxide which
is also exhaled by people is absorbed by plants and converted to
chlorophyll. This process is known as photosynthesis.
We get food, medicine, timber and shelter from trees. We also get
rain because of trees and soil erosion is prevented. People cut trees
for their needs. We must grow more trees. Trees produce flowers, from
seeds which help man in many ways for cultural functions, beauty and for
Trees are our friends and many make it a hobby to grow trees. It
beautifies our environment. People cut trees to make money today. All
living beings get shelter from trees.
Let us protect trees and the environment which is necessary.
S.M. Charika Nilakshi Samarakoon,
Girls’ High School,
Importance of breakfast

Breakfast is the main meal. It should not be skipped specially by
growing children and teenagers. Breakfast kick-starts the brain and
improves mental and physical performance. It helps to maintain a proper
healthy body weight. Lack of concentration, lethargic behavioural
problems can also be seen among students who skip breakfast.
Poor health is another result. A research was done on students who
have breakfast and those who do not in time. It showed that students who
have breakfast before attending school, score higher grades especially
in Mathematics and reading.
It increases a student’s focus and improves behaviour. Students who
had a healthy breakfast meet the nutritional needs from the food taken
in the morning.
They keep weight under control and have the correct blood cholesterol
levels. They attend school regularly. They do not have to visit the
doctor often.
If we want to keep a healthy body we must not skip breakfast. We
should not forget to take the main meal of the day which is breakfast.
V. Savindi Shashena Piryanethmi,
Grade 8D,
WP/Kl Nayakakanda Good Shepherd Balika Maha Vidyalaya,
Hendala, Wattala.
is our lifeblood
Water is one of the most important basic elements necessary for life.
A land without water is a place where no human being, animals or plants
exist. That is why water is regarded as an invaluable resource.
Although water is an important substance, man has not realised its
value and misuses it.
We can see garbage piled up near waterways. Factories also freely
drain industrial chemical waste matter into waterways, or streams and
rivers posing a deadly threat to humans, plants and other animal lives.
The Government has set up an establishment called the “Water Supply
and Drainage Board” to supply pure drinking water to people. In the
light of the above facts we can realise that water is an invaluable
resource for life. Let us preserve our water resources.
W.D.A. Rukshan,
Grade 9 D,
Mahanama College,
have many bonds among different people. Friendship is one of these bonds
and is a deep bond among two or more friends. Friends are important for
children as they grow up. They are helpful and amiable willing to help.
We can say friends have a profound bond.
True friends remain with us when we are sad or unhappy not knowing
how to solve the problems. We must be careful when we select friends.
Then we can maintain friendships in many ways such as being helpful,
kind, faithful and honest. We can lead a life if we have patience.
Friendship is a simple, small word although it has a deep meaning
which an intelligent person can use to live a good and a happy life.
Real friends have immeasurable patience and are willing to make
friends and also understand them.
D.R.Piyumi Navodya Bandara,
Grade 8 - Nelum,
Kg/St. Joseph’s Balika Maha Vidyalaya.

My favourite book
My favourite book is Jack and the Bean Stalk. It is written by Joy
It is an interesting story. The main characters are Jack, Jack’s
mother and the giant. This story has many marvellous and joyful
incidents such as Jack climbing along the bean stalk to the giant’s
castle and finally taking the golden hen and the gold coins with him.
When I read the story I create many imaginary pictures and incidents
in my mind. It is a beautiful and interesting story.
I read it four times because I liked it so much.
D.M. Jayam Chandu Dissanayake,
Grade 4B,
Royal International School, Kurunegala.
The world is another name for the earth on which we live. The earth
is shaped like an orange. It is slightly flattened at the top and
The earth is made up of land and water.The blue colour on the globe
symbolises water. The brown colour symbolises the hills and mountains
and the green for flat land.
We feel that our country is very big but it looks so small. This is
because in comparison the world is very big.
H.M. Usmaan Sheriff,
Grade 5A,D.S. Senanayake College,
favourite country
My favourite country is England. London is the capital of England.
There are two main parts of the United Kingdom known as Wales and
There are many landmarks in England and they are full of tourists.
The Big Ben is a large clock tower which chimes the time still though it
was built centuries ago.
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II.
Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and London Bridge are a few places
which tourists love to see. The river Thames runs along London city.
There are many nationalities living in England including Sri Lankans.
England is a beautiful country. My favourite actor Collin Morgan who
acts as ‘Merlin’ lives in England.
K.A. Mihashi Neelika Ranasinghe,
Grade 8E,
Ave Maria Convent,
rose flower has been a symbol of love, beauty, war and politics in
history. The variety, colour and even the number of roses are regarded
to have symbolic meaning.
Scientifically the rose belongs to the family of Rosacease with over
a hundred species of plants. Among the species of Rosacease family are a
number of food crops which bear fruits such as apples, plums,
strawberries and almonds.
Although the birthplace of the cultivated rose is said to be in
Northern Persia, the oldest rose fossil have been found in Colorado,
USA. It dates back to more than 35 million years ago.
The rose was also held as the most sacred of flowers. It was used as
an offering to Goddess Isis. The world's oldest living rose plant is
said to be 1000-years-old. It still blooms today while climbing the wall
of the Hidesheim Cathedral in Germany.
With a history of over 35 million years, the beautiful and elegant
flower known as the rose continues to be one of the most popular blooms
in the world.
Esandi Eksha Gamage,
Grade 4C,
Lyceum International School,
My birthday

My birthday is on May 11. I celebrate my birthday every year. My
mother prepares milk rice on my birthday and she makes a big cake for
Each year my parents arrange a small party for me. I like birthday
parties because I get many gifts. My parents present me a special gift
each year.
In the evening we go to the village temple. I like this day very
Wenuki Kiththara Panagoda,
Grade 5,
Buddhist Girls College,
is a valuable resource. All living creatures need water to live. We get
water from rain and sea. We cannot use sea water for drinking because it
is salty.
Water is useful to us in many ways. We use water for our daily
chores. Water is used to produce electricity. Today people waste and
pollute water. We must try our best to protect this precious gift.
I.P.I. Amaani,
Grade 8,
Muslim Madya Maha Vidyalayam,
Sammanthurai. |