To ensure continuity of a united North-Eastern PC :
India should have intervened - Varatharaja Perumal
by Dilrukshi Handunnetti
The Chief Minister of the former United North-eastern Province,
Varatharaja Perumal believes that India should have intervened, in the
absence of political will at home, to ensure the continuity of a united
North-eastern provincial Council.
Varatharaja Perumal |
Perumal noted that the new government has facilitated the Tamil
National Alliance (TNA) and instead of faultfinding, the TNA should have
made strong attempts to seek a political solution to the ethnic
Excerpts of the interview:
Q: The government formed after the January 8 presidential
polls is a combination of the United Peoples' Freedom Alliance (UPFA)
and the United National Party (UNP). Do you think this creates a common
platform to address the national question?
A: The new government has demonstrated its goodwill by taking
steps to fulfill TNA's pre-election demands, except on the demand for a
reduced military presence in the North and the East.
The TNA has got a very cooperative governor. The government seems to
cooperate financially and otherwise.
The TNA has to now deliver to the people, while negotiating with the
present government without forcing it into a difficult situation. For
me, the resolution of the ethnic conflict is based on power devolution
to the provincial councils, proper rehabilitation of all persons
affected by the war, restoration of equality without discrimination
based on language, religion, caste and region and adequate integration
of all communities.
Such a process should be initiated after the next election, since the
100-day program does not include the resolution of the conflict.
However, the proposed 19th Amendment is the need of the hour to create a
congenial atmosphere for making progress on various fronts, including
the foundation-laying for resolving the ethnic conflict.
Q: Is there a role for India in this, and if so, what is it?
A: India is unlikely to get involved in the way it did in the
India may continue to persuade Sinhala and Tamil leaders to
understand and cooperate with each other to pursue a lasting solution.
The Government of India will not succumb to unreasonable pressure
exerted by Tamil Nadu or the Tamil Diaspora.
However, if both parties fail to reach a compromise in the long run
and fights are escalated, then India's approach might change. We cannot
predict as to how would such change be. India's regional and strategic
interests cannot be concealed by its economic interests; rather they are
It is vital to remember that national unity among people of all
nationalities / communities in Sri Lanka is imperative for Indo-Lanka
Q: Today, there is a functional Northern Provincial Council.
The ruling party, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has already gone on
record stating they would request for Indian mediation to help resolve
the ethnic issue during their discussions with visiting Indian Prime
Minister Narendra Modi. Should India take up such a role?
A: India wants not only bilateral relations but also,
people-to-people relations. If Sri Lankan leaders fail to perform their
national duty in resolving the serious internal problems responsibly and
prudently and contain issues before their impact travels beyond the
seas, then outsiders may enter, not simply for the benefit of Sri Lanka
but mainly for the their own interests.
The responsibility therefore squarely lies with the Sri Lankan
Q: There were great expectations of the TNA when it assumed
political control in the Northern Province. You were the first Chief
Minister for the combined North-Eastern Province, following the setting
up of the Northern Provincial Council in 1988. Are the expectations
being met?
A: The Mahinda Rajapaksa administration functioned in
violation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.
Even then, I wanted the elected NPC led by former Justice C. V.
Wigneswaran to deliver something by persuading President Rajapaksa to
some extent.
They should have mobilised support of the democratic and progressive
forces among the Sinhalese in support of the 13th Amendment and could
have initiated legal proceedings to get the full and proper
implementation of the same.
But the demands and the resolutions of the NPC were irrelevant to the
13th Amendment and provided easy opportunities for the Sinhala
chauvinists and majoritarian Nazists to create wrong impressions and
cause fear among the Sinhala people about the basic aspirations of the
Tamil people.
The new government, though it does not want to deal with the
devolution issue immediately, has shown its readiness to cooperate with
the TNA to function effectively.
The TNA appears to want to use the tragedies of the Tamil masses,
instead of making any attempt to move towards a political solution and
peaceful living. They appear to enjoy the tragedies and sufferings of
the Tamils, to win elections, successively and successfully. There is no
way when there is no will.
Q: When the war broke out in 1983, many Sri Lankan Tamils,
mostly from the north, fled to India for refuge. It's been five years
since the war ended and a new government is in office. Do you think
there a willingness among the Sri Lankan refugees to be reintegrated?
A: You have to question whether there is any genuine
willingness among the
leaders of both sides to reintegrate the Sri Lankan Tamil refugees.
After 50 days in office, the new government has not established a
strong impression among the Tamil refugees that they would be safe in
Sri Lanka, while the TNA continues to campaign that Tamils are
continuously threatened and harassed by the Armed Forces and the State
Intelligence Services.
The Sinhala and Tamil leaders should build trust and confidence among
themselves, to address the fears and apprehensions of ordinary people
who live away from Sri Lanka.
Q: The TNA wants full implementation of the 13th Amendment. In
short, they want police and land powers to be devolved to the provinces.
How critically does the absence of these powers specifically affect the
performance of the NPC?
A: These powers are assured by the Constitution. It is an
omission to fulfill a legal duty and an illegal act. The primary duty of
the president and the government is to ensure that every provision of
the Constitution and other laws are implemented fully. Police and land
powers are rights of the Provincial Councils, and their denial is a
blatant violation of the Constitution. For the NPC to perform
meaningfully, these powers are essential.
No government can exercise its powers without a force. The PCs have
many duties and responsibilities, including the collection of taxes. Who
will pay any tax if there is no compulsion?
The PCs have many regulatory powers but how can the PCs implement
them? How can the PCs ensure law and order in the provinces without
police powers?
What kind of arms shall be provided to the provincial police, shall
be decided only by the Central Government.
The identity of a policeman is not determined by the weapon he
carries but by the uniform he wears. Police powers to the PCs will also
create new checks and balances between the Centre and the provincial
administration and prevent the misuse of police powers.
Land powers are vested with PCs, except as are limited in respect of
the powers of State lands.
It is a main grievance of the Tamil people that successive
governments misused the State lands to State-aided Sinhala colonisation
to make the Tamil people politically and economically insignificant in
their own areas, where they have been living for centuries.
It is not simply the Tamil version but a version accepted by the
Sinhala leaders since 1957. S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike in 1957, Dudley
Senanayake in 1965, J. R. Jayewardene when negotiating with India during
1983 to 1987, Sri Lanka Freedom Party Manifesto in 1988, Mangala
Moonesinghe-led Committee under Ranasinghe Premadasa, Gamini Dissanayake
in 1993, Chandrika Bandaranaike during 1995 to 2000 and the multiparty
initiative led by Prof. Tissa Vitarana in 2006, had invariably accepted
that the colonisations in the State lands was a serious contributor to
the creation of ethnic crises in Sri Lanka.
If the Sinhala leaders do not have any discreet wish to further the
Sinhala colonisations in the Tamil areas, what is their genuine problem
in handing over the land powers to the PCs under the 13 Amendment?
Q: Do you think there should not have been a de-merger of the
North and the East, and instead, power should have been devolved to an
amalgamated North-east?
A: Whether the Sinhala leaders are going to impose their
majoritarian pride over the minority nationalities by continuing with
the demerger, or they are going to win over the confidence of the Tamils
and Muslims by providing united North-East is a matter to be decided by
the Sinhala leaders only.
Merger of North-East should not be an inhibition to the Sinhala
leaders. Muslim people's issues are genuine. In case of a united
North-East, there must be an understanding between the Tamil and Muslim
leaders in establishing sufficient protection and arrangements to the
aspirations of the Muslims.
If Sri Lanka can be together with all nationalities under the
absolute power of the Sinhala majority, why should the North and the
East not be united? After all, united North and the East are not going
to be an independent country but only a Provincial Council which will
have only limited powers under the Constitution of Sri Lanka.
If anything is done by the NEPC prejudicial to other communities, the
Centre can, and has the capacity to act legally and act against the NEPC,
whereas such a facility is not available for the Tamils when the Sri
Lankan Government acts against the Tamil people.
It is, therefore not true that the Sinhala leaders have genuine
apprehensions about the Sinhalese being unable to live safely under the
NEPC. Equating NEPC with LTTE is a false notion.
In fact, the Sinhala hegemonic and racist mind set reflects that the
Tamils are inferior, so they must live under the government represented
by the Sinhala majority, but Sinhalese as if they are superior, should
not live under a PC represented by the Tamil majority.
Q: Do you think India is likely to press upon such a model?
A: If Sri Lankan Government leaders convince India that such a
merger is detrimental to the national interest and unity of Sri Lanka
then, India will not persuade such an idea.
Q: In hindsight, do you regret fleeing the island and giving
up your post as Chief Minister of the North-East Province?
A: I was right. I am always proud that my party did right.
President Premadasa and Velupillai Prabhakaran were wrong. Sri Lanka
suffered due to them. Tamils and Sinhalese people missed the
opportunity. Otherwise, peace could have been established 25 years
before, deaths of over 250,000 people, displacement of millions and the
loss of valuable properties worth massive amounts of money could have
been avoided. Sri Lanka would not have been the subject matter for the
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) either.
Q: What caused you to raise a flag to unilaterally declare
independence before fleeing? In retrospect, do you consider it was
irrational, emotional or the appropriate political response?
A: I hoisted only the Sri Lankan National Flag and the
Provincial Flag, which is now the official flag of the NPC.
It was not the Declaration of a separate Eelam, but the 19 demands
for power devolution within the unitary constitution.
President Premadasa and Prabhakaran acted in bad faith, branded it as
UDI, to continue their opportunistic honeymoon, to eliminate parties
that supported the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord and to destroy the PC system.
In contrast, history has proved that I acted rationally and my move
was appropriate in making the issue of devolution of powers to sustain
for many decades as it is the essential area to be dealt with, in order
to pursue a permanent solution.
Had I collaborated with the then president, I also would have been a
collaborator like Prabhakaran and some Tamil leaders, in slinging mud at
India and betrayed the genuine cause of Tamils and true democratic and
progressive forces in Sri Lanka. That would have amounted to political
hara kiri on my part.
Q: You fled Sri Lanka, reportedly having raised the Eelam flag
in protest. Do you think India could have intervened to ensure the
continuity of the North-Eastern Provincial Council at that time?
A: I repeat that I have never seen any Eelam flag anywhere in
any design. Of course, both Indian and Sri Lankan Governments have made
this assurance and a commitment to power devolution.
When one government fails, the other should have ensured. Otherwise,
bilateral agreements would become shams.
I do not mean that the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord was signed and the
13th Amendment was introduced to cheat the Tamils. If so, then both
countries are liable and the continuation to separate the two made by
Pirabakaran would be proved right. |