Chinese rail under Mount Everest
By Haroon Siddique and Jason Burke
China is considering extending a railway line linking the country to
Nepal via a tunnel under Mount Everest, according to Chinese state
media. The proposal is the latest in a series of ambitious rail schemes
Beijing is reportedly examining. It comes amid scepticism about whether
some of the projects will ever get off the ground and at a time of a
growing Chinese presence in Nepal, which has caused some concern in
rival regional power India.

Mount Everest at sunrise. According to state media, China is in
talks with Nepal to build a rail tunnel under the mountain.
Photograph: Kristy Durbridge/Alamy
Kathmandu, Nepal. Photograph: Stoneography/Getty
Images/Flickr RF |
The Qinghai-Tibet railway already links the rest of China with the
Tibetan capital, Lhasa, and beyond, and an extension running as far as
the international border is already being planned "at Nepal's request",
the China Daily quoted a railway expert at the Chinese Academy of
Engineering as saying.
The project is expected to be completed by 2020, the newspaper cited
a Tibetan official as saying. Extending the line would potentially forge
a crucial link between China and the huge markets of India. It was
raised by the Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, on a visit to Kathmandu
in December, according to Nepalese reports.
"The line will probably have to go through Qomolangma so that workers
may have to dig some very long tunnels," railway expert Wang Mengshu
told the China Daily, referring to Mount Everest by its Tibetan name.
Owing to the challenging Himalayan terrain, with its remarkable
changes in elevation, trains on any line to Kathmandu would probably
have a maximum speed of 75mph (120km/h), he added.
Last year, another state-run newspaper, the Beijing Times, reported
that China was considering building a high-speed railway line to the US
that would run for 8,080 miles, about 1,865 miles further than the
Trans-Siberian railway. It would also include about 125 miles of
undersea tunnel, which would be the world's longest, crossing the Bering
Strait between Russia and Alaska.
The Times also listed another three international high-speed rail
projects that are in various stages of planning and development.
One would run from London via Paris, Berlin, Warsaw, Kiev and Moscow,
where it would split into two routes, one of which would run to China
through Kazakhstan and the other through eastern Siberia.
Another would begin in the far-western Chinese city of Urumqi and
then run through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Turkey
to Germany, and the last would begin in the south-west city of Kunming
and end in Singapore.
It was unclear to what extent China had consulted any of the other
countries whose consent would be required, although it was announced in
August that Thailand's military junta had approved a $23bn (£13.6bn)
transport project that would see two high-speed railways link up
directly with Kunming, via Laos, by 2021. The line would form part of
the planned route to Singapore, which would also run through Malaysia.
The growing Chinese presence in Nepal goes beyond roads and railways,
with massive hydroelectric projects, airports and a pilgrimage centre at
Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha, all slated to receive substantial
funding from Beijing.
A map of proposed Chinese
highspeed rail lines in Asia. It is unclear to what extent
China has consulted with countries whose consent would be
required or if the lines were to be built.
(Guardian graphic Source: The Transport Politic) |
The number of tourists from China is also rising rapidly. Though
overall tourist arrivals by air declined in 2014, visitors from China
grew by nearly 20% to more than 71,107. More flight connections are also
planned. Chinese-made goods flood the markets of Kathmandu and Pokhara,
the western Nepalese city, and new language schools teaching Mandarin -
generously subsidised by Beijing - are increasingly popular.
Indian analysts say Beijing's influence is a concern but often
exaggerated."The Chinese are giving it a hard try but the ties with
India are very strong," said G. Parthasarathy, a retired senior Indian
diplomat and commentator. "There's a natural geography and history to
our relationship [with Nepal]. Yes, they can build a few roads but they
can't employ five million Nepalese. And how many Nepalis are migrating
to China? Then there are affinities and culture too."
The rivalry between the two Asian powers is intense, however, with
India scoring some successes recently in pushing back against Beijing's
efforts to extend Chinese influence into areas such as Sri Lanka,
traditionally seen as Delhi's backyard. A change of government in Sri
Lanka has led to megaprojects funded by Chinese loans and built by
Chinese companies being shelved.
But Indian strategists are most worried about Bejing's links with
India's western neighbour.
"We are much more concerned about the Chinese relationship with
Pakistan, than with Nepal," said Parthasarathy.
Chinese plans to expand the rail network in Tibet have come under
criticism from rights groups including the International Campaign for
Tibet (ICT), which has warned of the project's "dangerous implications
for regional security and the fragile ecosystem of the world's highest
and largest plateau".
"The Chinese government's claim that rail expansion on the plateau
simply benefits tourism and lifts Tibetans out of poverty does not hold
up to scrutiny and cannot be taken at face value," the ICT president,
Matteo Mecacci, said last year.
(Guardian, UK) |