Heralding the Sinhala and Tamil New Year
April 13 marks the journey of the Sun from Meena to Mesha (from
Pisces to /Pies) in the Zodiac. This is commonly called Mankranthiya
(transition). For Sri Lankans it is a nation. Event and all Lankans join
it irrespective of ethnic or religious differences.
The traditions associated with the Sinhala and Tamil New Year are
manifold and meaningful to. Auspicious observances take pride of place
in the celebrations. All rituals are carried out to precision at times
prescribed by astrologers ahead of the beginning of the year. The
inauspicious time is called the 'Nonagathe' which means no Neketh
(auspicious times), and hence is prescribed to engage in religious
observances at temples.

Since we are an agricultural nation, the journey of the sun has much
significance to our social life. Fortunately, the period comes in the
wake of the Maha harvest, when paddy is collected and stored and it is
dine for a well-earned rest for the farming community. The objective of
the whole feast, is the getting together of the family members. The
father of the family and menfolk who are out of the village most of the
time during the year, return home to stay with family members during the
festival. Cheerfulness is everywhere, the children are the happiest. The
women are engaged in making sweetmeats.In Sri Lanka it is the cuckoo
that heralds the dawn of the New Year. The cuckoo is the harbinger of
the new season called Wasarelreya. It is said that if two swallows do
not make a summer, a single Koha (cuckoo) will announce the Aluth
Avurudda, Rituals associated with the New Year begin with bathing and
end with the first.journey to work after the New Year has dawned.
Viewing the waxing new moon is another ritual. The village temple is
the heart of the New Year celebrations, and bells are rung to announce
the dawn of another Aluth Ayurudda.
The first item in the agenda is the lighting of the hearth. New
clothes with the prescribed colours are also worn. Gifts are exchanged
and old ill feelings and quarrels, if any, are forgiven and forgotten.
The women beat the Rabana (drum) to announce the advent of the
Avurudu Kumaraya. Prime among the rituals is the first meal of the year
consisting of many sweetmeats. -Internet |