The story of the red shirt
by Husna Inayathullah
Astrology plays a significant role in the Sinhala and Tamil New Year.
Astrologers mark the auspicious time for every activity. There is a time
to take the last bath of the old year, a time to stop work and a time to
start work. There is a time to light the hearth, boil a pot of milk and
to take the first meal of the New Year. There is a direction in which to
face and an auspicious colour to wear.

This year's colour is said to be red.The dress colour code varies
from year to year in keeping with the colour meant for the particular
year. Following the rituals bringsabout peace and happiness to the
people and country. It will also secure good fortune in the year ahead.
The new year began with joyous sounds of merriment. Kalana and
Thilina were so excited and happy to celebrate the day. Their mother had
made dishes of delicious kiribath with spicy onion and chillie sambol.
The delicious aroma spread allover the house.
"Children get dressed with your new red shirts. We have to visit our
neighbours and friends to greet and share the sweetmeats. Hurry up!, "
said ammi.
"Alright Ammi, we will be ready in15 minutes time," said Kalana.
"Ammi, where is my red shirt? I kept it inside my cupboard. Where is
it? I cannot find it,"cried Thilina.
"I don't know putha. I did not see or take it. You might have put it
somewhere. Search for it. You will find it," said Ammi.
Thilina was so worried as he could not find his red shirt. He
searched for it everywhere. He looked for it on his bed, under his bed,
inside the cupboard, over the cupboard and all over the house but he
could not find it anywhere.
"What shall I do now Ammi? I could not find my red shirt. I am so
worried," Thilina told his mother.
"Now it is too late. I asked you to arrange your clothes yesterday
but you did not do it. Now you wear the white shirt which thaththi
bought for you," his mother said.
Thilina was not satisfied with what his mother told him. His face
became pale and tear drops started to roll down his cheeks.
"Knock! Knock! The front door banged. Thilina went to open the door
and it was none other than his his Sudu Maama from the village.
"Happy new year Thilina! How areyou? Why do you look so pale and
worried? I have bought a small present for you. Hope you will like it,"
said Sudu maama.
"Happy new year to you Sudu Maame.I am fine," said Thilina.
Thilina unwrapped the gift and to his surprise it was a red coloured
shirt from his Sudu Maama. "Thankyou so much Maame. I was so worried
because I lost my red shirt. Now you have bought one for me. Thank you
so much," said Thilina.
Thilina felt so happy and great. He quickly ran into his room and got
dressed to visit his neighbours and friends with sweetmeats. |